Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

post rendered moot.

You can change your vote.

Ok. So take my whole post minus the last sentence.

How does past US evil apply to “Russophobia” and why we shouldn’t be helping the Ukrainians?

Or are we just arguing about the last sentence? If so I concede. The bombing of Cambodia was evil. In Vietnam, US soldiers committed atrocities that were basically encouraged by army brass. I’ve made this point many times as a comparison to what Russia is doing now.

What the Russians are doing with camps and deportations is exactly what the US did to Native Americans in the 1800s.

It doesn’t. The Serbian general in charge of forces in Bosnia was convicted of genocide at the Hague for Srebernica. Killing every last person is impossible, some will get away, attempting to do so is enough.

The Bosnian War also led to coining a term for the non murder removal of an ethnicity from a region: ethnic cleansing.

It doesn’t. People could read comments about US atrocities and say “Ok, that’s true. That doesn’t mean these aren’t atrocities in Ukraine carried out by Russians” or they could get defensive and suggest the US hasn’t done anything like that and then the conversation can go on when people point out that it has.

You’ve also pointed out some very true things about how war hardens and traumatizes people and understandably causes them to dehumanize the people attacking them. But, no one in this thread has been attacked and no one is Ukrainian and yet there has been dehumanization up to and including suggestions that Russian have been bred to be brutal. Empathy and support are great, but vicarious nationalism and sympathetic dehumanization understandably get some push back.


We disagree on a lot, but I’ll push back on that stuff too.

You’re picking a few worst examples out of 1000s of posts and acting like the whole thread is nothing but bashing Russians as people. The “bred” argument was rightly called out by a bunch of posters on both sides of this issue.

Like any time I call out a Russian war crime - am I supposed to first qualify that I’m not saying all Russians are evil?

It’s offensive to me that we have to spend time arguing about some harsh words leveled the aggressors in a war of conquest who are literally torturing, raping, killing, and deporting 10s of 1000s of civilians.

I refuse to believe anyone itt seriously thinks “Russophobia” is in remotely the same category as Islamophobia or anti-Semitism.

I suspect this is just a proxy argument for everyone taking Meatsheimer’s side that the US shouldn’t be helping Ukraine, and/or posters who think life under a capitalist democracy is just as bad as life under Putin or Lukashenko. Or life in the occupied territories, which by all accounts is even worse, and what Ukrainians face if they surrender.


Moving beyond the galaxy brain PC posts:


Praying for a red wave in the US midterms.

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Weird I thought Finland would apply first.

going to Russian captivity, where they’ve executed all sorts of people.

They may have some hope. There are so many international eyes on this - it’s possible Russia may do the opposite and treat them as normal POWs - for PR purposes. The fact that we have this picture, if real, suggests they might go with that strategy.


Hopefully Ukraine has made some prisoner swap deal for them. That’s the only reason I could think of that they’d willingly surrender, knowing they’d be executed if they’re surrendered.


Azovstol is going to go down in history with the Alamo and Masada.

Lots of talk about catastrophic food shortages from the world bank and Bank of England

So sorry to hear Brits have to choose between food and heating! Well at least it’s almost freaking summer.