Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

going to Russian captivity, where they’ve executed all sorts of people.

They may have some hope. There are so many international eyes on this - it’s possible Russia may do the opposite and treat them as normal POWs - for PR purposes. The fact that we have this picture, if real, suggests they might go with that strategy.


Hopefully Ukraine has made some prisoner swap deal for them. That’s the only reason I could think of that they’d willingly surrender, knowing they’d be executed if they’re surrendered.


Azovstol is going to go down in history with the Alamo and Masada.

Lots of talk about catastrophic food shortages from the world bank and Bank of England

So sorry to hear Brits have to choose between food and heating! Well at least it’s almost freaking summer.


Holy crap that dude is never getting invited back on the show. Just truth bombs all over the place. It’s wild how the host keeps trying to interrupt him and he just plows ahead. The ending too - basically saying if we keep lying to ourselves this is going to eventually blowback on us harder than you can imagine.

Also nice shout out to Rand Paul for resisting Lend-Lease.

Wow that guy’s really not holding back; that could have been on Western TV. Wonder if we will see him again…

you guys don’t get it. in pro-wrestling, becoming a villain character is called “career growth”

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I feel like he’s gonna have a nice polonium cocktail soon, so future invitations won’t even be possible.

I wouldn’t bet on that. They may not need to hold out much longer.

No one would put a mine next to another mine. That would be a waste^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1526305351926161408|twgr^|twcon^s1_&


It’s going to be bad. So many factors compounding now. Relatively low global grain stocks going in. Ukraine/Russia. China having major issues with their wheat crop. Brazil having issues with their second corn crop. US planting season off to a very rocky/slow start and winter wheat crop in rough shape.

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Well can’t wait for Clarkson’s Farm Season 3 to be relevant on a global scale.