Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I’m gonna guess they generally do not plan for armies shooting each other within them tho

Firstly there aren’t just mechanical engineers working on them, secondly without even asking her nuclear weapons are in a different universe than nuclear energy. They are different, do not conflate them. It’s like comparing the emissions of passenger vehicle to that of a cruise ship.

How the fuck is Russia’s economy only shrinking by 30%?

Unfortunately this is how I fear things will go. I have no faith this stops with Ukraine at all if nothing changes.

Sustained loss of cooling can cause a loss of containment even for a reactor that has been shut down. I don’t know what kind of emergency cooling systems this particular reactor has, but some reactor designs have last resort cooling systems that doesn’t require electricity. You just use convection to promote flow through the cooling system.

russia economy didn’t recover from covid, but yeah. 30% is a conservative estimate. it will be more than half once they runout of semiconductors and airplane parts, which will be soon. Airlines may not have any planes that don’t need some sort of maintenance part in less than 2 months. AvtoGaz stopped car assembly lines already, planned for 4 days. i think it would be a minor miracle if it opened and stayed open until sanctions are lifted.

Yes I understand-hence the word facetious. Or maybe ironic is a better term. I’m a scientist (biology) and get that the two are nit the same. Big difference betweeen a steady release of energy and whammo for an explosion.

And I was just trying to complement your wife. Obv many disciplines involved.

Still think it’s massively heinous to bomb a power plant. It will invoke terror even if the chance of something super bad happening is remote. Especially for folks that are next door to Chernobyl.

Because Europeans need their oil.

Right. That’s the limit of my knowledge. Although Googling suggests that this reactor type, which was built in the mid to late 70s, doesn’t have very good passive safety features. So I assume that in the event of loss of cooling we’d be looking at something similar to a Fukushima situation.

My wife at first thought it was the same type of reactor as Chernobyl ans didn’t think it was an issue at all. I’m sure Russia’s plan was to cause a fire to make Ukraine do an emergency shut down depriving power to a large section of the country.

The fact it’s a different reactor means it’s even more of a nothing.

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From the video, the fire started because the Russians were firing on people inside a building, who were also firing back at the Russians. The fire itself wasn’t really a concern as it was some sort of administrative building not directly involved with plant operations. The thing that was really fucking scary is that they were have a big war with mortars and stuff right next to a bunch of nuclear reactors. The Geneva Conventions frown pretty heavily on that sort of thing.

The plant adds to the fallout. The parties in the Cold War planned to exploit this to salt the opponent’s earth and ensure they wouldn’t be a medium term problem.

Those administrative buildings are still built to nuclear code. Her life’s work is making an administrative building that is on fire not a threat to the plant

The. Fire. Wasn’t. The. Concern.

They basically plan for an earthquake at the same time as a massive bomb hitting the most vulnerable part of the plant at the same time as the operators having an aneurysm and being incapacitated. There’s a reason nuclear is the safest form of energy by orders of magnitude.

The concern is the loss of energy to the country, it should still be fine. Most people are freaking out about radiation release.

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The population of both Ukraine and Russia has decreased by 1 million over the past year.

Did you not watch the video? I have no idea how you can see that happening less than 1,000 feet from nuclear reactors and think it’s NBD. Nor do I understand why you’ve chosen this spot to argue the tangential safety of nuclear power.

Here’s something anybody can do.



or maybe peacetime*