Ukraine, Russia, and the West

Yea same thing this guy is saying.

I mean good on nuclear power plants for not instantly blowing up.

in PUBG I battled people in a nuke plant

didn’t think that could be real life


It’s a good thing I’m not president. Because at this point I’d be ready to just YOLO and go into Ukraine with every bit of firepower in the US arsenal and lay waste to a good chunk of Russia’s military.

I really do think it’s not a matter of if, but when, Putin is going to be at war with NATO. Except he’s going to get to start it on his terms. And he’s going to learn from all the mistakes he’s making here.

I am willing to bet that at some point we’re going to have to face the spectre of conventional war and just pray the Russians love their children too.

I hope that madman has to see he isn’t gonna have the force to take NATO^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1499549833429983239|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&

How long do y’all think will these conditions be met for all Ukrainian power plants over the course of the war?

Like I said. It will be on his terms. It will be some limited action, against a single targeted NATO country for very specific bullshit reasons.

And the same apologist/realists are going to say we should just let him have this one because nukes. And it will just get worse and worse until the world realizes they have to risk war with Russia. By which time his military could be much more capable. Or maybe somehow he’s found a way to get China involved on his side.

If he destroys Ukraine and annihilates their military, the next country probably won’t be as plucky. It gets easier with each country.

I’m not worried about much more capable about a military that is currently risking blowing themselves up at a nuclear plant in nato terms anyway

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Yeah but they may learn from their mistakes and weed out the corruption that caused a lot of this.

Humanity basically ends if this happens. Maybe was inevitable once nukes were invented.

Even if it wasn’t going to be, we don’t have the stomach as a country for an actual war with Russia.

I am no longer worried about Putin doing a battle with NATO without nukes.

He no longer has the element of surprise (like the Germans had with Blietzkrieg)
He has shown to have a very mediocre chain of command.
Logistical issues on a large scale that I am not sure he can overcome.
Low moral amongst troops.
Tactically and strategically mediocre.
Doesn’t have the finances to wage another war.

Most importantly, will not have naval or air superiority.
Just imagine if Ukraine had complete air superiority and hundreds of warplanes. The war would stop in days.


Things can change.


He spent a decade building up to this and this is it?

Good luck in the next decade while his economy collapses.

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Similar vibes

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One wonders whether Hitler would have ordered nukes be launched before he killed himself. I suspect he would have.

I think Putin is more likely to be in a similar bunker in two months than to be in control of Ukraine.

Short of sabotage or someone identifying a specific vulnerability that would prevent a safe shutdown in the case of fire or stay bullets or whatever, I’m concerned but don’t see Chernobyl 2 happening. These reactors are old but not that old. Commissioned in the 80s. Palo Verde, west of Phoenix, is as old.

There is some info on Wikipedia on the reactor design involved here. It says they were supposed to have been brought up to international safety standards by 2020. I’ll look at it a little more.

So given the extent to which Russia is going to take a nuclear power plant, we can probably draw some conclusions about their cyber capabilities right?

More bark than bite, like their conventional military prowess?