Ukraine, Russia, and the West

I also saw it as I wrote the post above; mayor shooting for a while, and a building is burning it seems. What part of the reactor is this?

I am watching.

This appears very not good.

Scroll up. I posted a pic of what I think the layout is.

Ok a singular building probably won’t be safety relevant; otherwise it would be a real stupid single point of failure. Like if that’s the backup generator.

Yeah, I’m not as concerned about what’s burning right now as I am by having just seen them unloading a bunch of weaponry into it with the reactors right behind them.

Looks like they’re stacking up to assault the place but some dude with a machine gun on the second story of that building in the foreground is stopping them.

Snake Plissken!

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If they are going to target a Nuke plant NATO might as well do a no fly zone. Jfc




Ukrainian reactors don’t have containment buildings. That’s part of what made Chernobyl so bad

Edit: debunked

looks like the assault retreated or trying to regroup?

According to twitter the vehicles that arrived and then left a few minutes ago were firefighters who couldn’t do anything because everybody was still shooting at one another.

Lots of nuclear Twitter takes that it should be ok as long as power is still getting the the plant, who knows if that’s the case.^tfw|twcamp^tweetembed|twterm^1499341576518217730|twgr^|twcon^s1_c10&

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On the satellite pic I posted the camera is actually about 150’ back on a different building than what I marked but everything else is accurate.