Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes

You are confused. I’m just correcting you, not suggesting that those countries or places should have been flattened and hundreds of thousands of people turned into killing slaves. That’s your side, Doctor Republican.


You’re correcting me? Like how the south wasn’t burned or Germany wasn’t reduced to rubble?

Come on.

NK obviously bears the brunt of responsibility for what happened because of their invasion attempt to subjugate the south. You can’t bring that self inflicted wound as a way to defend their failures.

9.4% of homes in East Germany and 18.5% in West Germany were destroyed in WW2 in bombing by the US, USSR and UK and that was a country that was a legitimate threat to the entire world where the UK and USSR at least were fighting for their survival and you’re comparing that to 85% of structures in an incredibly poor country. You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about, but you sure are patriotic.

(Did you miss the part about how the NK invasion was two years into the war?)


This thread has gotten several flags recently. I haven’t done anything to the posts. The topic of discussion is in scope for the forum and it’s OK to have heated disagreement. I will ask that posters try to refrain from ad hominem attacks. This can be a fine line with some subjects, but I think this is something that most of us can do better.

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Conveniently, Blowback Season 3 was just released and is on the Korean War. It’s pretty interesting, like all their seasons.

One takeaway is that it’s a lot more complicated than “NK invaded SK so the US defended SK”. SK had already been skirmishing with NK and the US had already been aggressive politically and militarily.


I mean. This is all speculation on counterfactuals. But NK wasnt particularly unique 60, 50 or 40 years ago.

It seems that NK being in an armed standoff against an enemy backed by a superpower may have had something to do with the regimes longevity and special awfulness.

How did that standoff come about? The successful Korean war right?

Pretty sure NK didn’t like SK before the war. I know this because they invaded.

Or it was propped up by a superpower in Russia or China, depending on the time we’re talking about.





Someone with TL3 needs to rename this “The Ukraine Crapto Thread.”

Ukraine: When Keepin It Realism Goes Wrong



Proxy wars are worse than peace but better than non-proxy wars.

mtracey having a normal one, equating 9/11 to the bridge attack

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Yes, because targeting a bridge that is bringing enemy troops and supplies during an active war, and targeting an office building full of thousands of non-combatants is totally the same thing! Excellent point, much smart.