Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes

Feel like this is a very standard experience in US high school education.

Interesting. I can’t recall ever having heard this perspective, so thank you. Although from this perspective, Ho Chi Minh would be considerably more righteous than a George Washington. He’d be more like a Native American leader throwing out the colonists entirely rather than someone leading the colonists to independence from the homeland but still in a position of dominance over the colonized.

My comparison was not really about righteousness it’s about both leading and winning guerilla warfare against the greatest power of their eras and both being statesmen who were essentially above the political debates of their day. With Washington that was more like the presiding over the constitutional convention but not taking sides in most of the actual debates. With Minh it was about pragmatically aligning with whichever ideology would support his people against colonialism. But yeah the North Vietnamese probably had a more just cause than the us founding fathers.

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US invasion of Grenada was a success. People there celebrate the liberation as their Thanksgiving.

WW2 also a success.

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That ginormous difference wasn’t so ginormous for the first 30 years. That’s long enough to make it quite speculative what would have happened if you changed history in 1951.

Who knows what NK would have turned out like. You know how badly the US destroyed NK in the war? 85% of structures in all of North Korea were destroyed. Do you think that set them on a good path? Do you think that had anything to do with all those terrible years?

Can you be more specific by what you mean here? Because while various freedoms and political rights improved for South Koreans later on it was never ever close to North Korea.

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I think NK would have done a lot better if they hadn’t started a war of aggression, and think that blaming the us for the results of that war, which you seem to do here, would be ridiculous

100000 Koreans died in fighting from 1948-1950 when your history book said the Korean War officially started.

But you can just brush off the fact that the US utterly annihilated NK and all the houses and lots of humans who were not Kim-Jung-Anything if you want. You are a good patriot. America flattening an entire country? Shoulda been a better country. The country gets worse after being flattened? Shoulda been a better country. USA just gets to flatten countries. Drop millions and millions of bombs on people. Endless flights of tens of thousands of planes dropping millions of bombs. Shoulda been a better country. You got famines after your country was flattened? Shoulda been a better country.


You don’t know what the political freedoms were in 1960 SK under Rhee vs NK. Per capita income in SK under the authoritarian Rhee government was under $100/year though and lower than Haiti.

Another thing for you Milton Friedman econ 101 fundamentalists, what pulled SK out of the economic problems was protectionism.

Do you understand what it means that 300k South Koreans, very poor South Koreans, fought in Vietnam? It means they were like a slave country for the US. It was a terrible sacrifice for them and it was done because they were forced to by the US supported government.

So just to be clear here, you are asserting that the USA bears the brunt of responsibility for the damages caused by the Korean War?

Just to be clear, you think dropping millions of bombs on people and destroying 85% of the structures in an entire country is fantastic?

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Just to be clear, you think having your authoritarian vassal state send 300000 slaves to fight in your wars is awesome?

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No I think sometimes you fuck around and find out. Finding out sometimes goes poorly for those fucking around. Furthermore, the amount of finding out is frequently related to the amount of fucking around, see this explanation:

So is it the USAs fault or not?

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Jesus Christ you fucking Republican.


Out of curiosity, am I supposed to blame the union for the south finding out? How about when the Germans or French fucked around? Or does this theory only apply when you invade a us ally and fight the USA?

The slave owners were all allowed back in power after like 7 years of reconstruction, the Nazis aside from like the top 10 were put right back in power and the country was rebuilt and I don’t know what you’re talking about with the French. Napoleon? Vietnam? Haiti? But keep hugging that flag and figuring out ways that flattening countries and killing a really unknowable number of people and certainly setting the country up for terrible times and installing authoritarians who send you 300000 battle slaves to kill subsistence farmers in another poor country gets to be glibly calling fucking around and finding out.


I’m confused. You seem to be upset those other countries or people didn’t find out enough. Weird huh?

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