Ukraine LC Debates, Arguments and Terrible Memes



Someone with TL3 needs to rename this “The Ukraine Crapto Thread.”

Ukraine: When Keepin It Realism Goes Wrong



Proxy wars are worse than peace but better than non-proxy wars.

mtracey having a normal one, equating 9/11 to the bridge attack

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Yes, because targeting a bridge that is bringing enemy troops and supplies during an active war, and targeting an office building full of thousands of non-combatants is totally the same thing! Excellent point, much smart.

Please try to refrain from personal attacks and insults.

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11 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation

Right. Demonizing people committing genocide is basically the same thing as demonizing people for the purposes of committing genocide against them.

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I’m sure we can agree that demonizing opponents is dangerous. Whether that makes Michael Tracey’s tweet any less idiotic is not clear to me.

Do you think that the use of deadly force is justified against people who are in the act of committing genocide?

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OK, it sounds like you’re on board with using deadly force against people who rape, murder, and torture children, who kill innocent civilians both indiscriminately and purposefully, and who deny that a whole ethnicity has a right to exist and are willing to rape, murder, torture, and steal to that end?

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So… what’s your problem again?

Cool, so that’s an open admission that your objection to dehumanizing language is pure performative sophistry you do not honestly believe. The greatest risk of dehumanizing language is exactly that people use deadly force against the the targets of that language. You admit that deadly force is justified against the Russian invaders who are either actively engaged in or at the very least culpable for the rape, murder, and torture of Ukrainian civilians: men, women, and young children. The only thing that can be said against the Russian invaders that is unacceptable is the advocacy for committing war crimes against them: the use of prohibited weapons, the killing or torture of prisoners of war, etc. Indeed, the use of deadly force you explicitly permit against these people is by far the greater injury than the use of dehumanizing language – bullets and bombs break their bones far more effectively than calling them orcs on Unstuck – so it makes absolutely zero sense that you would claim both that a Russian invader can be justifiably shot or blown up with a bomb but not that one can be called an orc on an internet forum. I’m sure you yourself would grant that you would rather I say on this forum that you’re an orc than you would have me literally blow you up with a bomb, so it’s plain to see that your objection to name calling people you think can be justifiably killed is unfounded.


Rhetorical questions, how do they work?

You seriously don’t know how rhetorical questions work?