Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

@hokie I think you got in the crossfire of some pettiness. I got value from your posts, fwiw.


I appreciate it, and will just echo you all and hope that somehow, magically, the pettiness and chronic issues will disappear someday and we can just be a bunch of weirdos chatting politics and current events on the internet.


Must we do this here?

Isn’t that why some people work in hospitals?

I met a couple of morgue assistants once who would confirm this.

I don’t want to see the bodies, just the numbers.

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But I thought this was the war pornography thread?



Statistics are my pornography.

for only 70 rubles a day, you too can send a grown ass russian to be vaporized by a loitering munition or a high precision excalibur or an anti-tank javelin or a grenade launched by a drone.

the cherry on top there is that the humanitarian aid appears to be delivered by an LDPR truck, which is the political party used to be led by zhirinovsky. that’s basically how the parties build voter support there. right before “elections”, they drive around handing humanitarian aid to pensioners.

ETA: first suggested tweet following that thread. the dead orc at the end really hits it out of the park for me.

Not Ukraine but we just had a blaring, alarming North Korean missile launch warning here in Japan, and loud speakers are urging us to take cover from impending explosion.

Fun stuff.

27 posts were merged into an existing topic: About Moderation (old original thread)

Jesus guys the Ouji board was a miss. When you’re doing jokes, even when you’re good as Ukraine, some will miss. Unlike HIMARS.



feels pretty close to reality, except

  • woman doesn’t live in the UK but in Buryatia or Yakutia
  • is an ethnic minotiry
  • is only going to meet svyatoslav if she can shiv him with a broken vodka bottle after the date.

an update on krassovsky, there was a minor outrage at his content appearing on RT, and his status has been upgraded to something like still suspended. they have removed his newest doc and he has posted that his things are still not ok.

guess floating him out again didn’t produce what they hoped

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flag thing is either a misdirection, trying to confuse AFU offensive, or a formality, because the kherson administration moved to the left bank, and presumably they have a flag there too.

the rumors are that RU are strengthening outposts in every wooded area outside of kherson on the right bank. making it very expensive for afu to advance towards the city. the difference is stark between afu and russian tactics of taking over territories. afu mostly outflanks and forces mobiks to leave an encirclement, izyum and kupyansk. ru instead destroys big parts of a city with artillery barrage, and then moves through with tanks, eg mariupol and severodonets.

this tweet shows an example of hundreds or thousands of concrete covers that russia has put up throughout the south, basically a small fortified firing outpost, that also double as a sitting duck for most modern missiles, or even javelins.

even girkin is concerned

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