Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

I got to take a sip of wine in the ~$500/bottle range once in a winetasting class in grad school.

Notably not including the post that started my criticisms shows just how honest we’re being today.

Also referring to things wider than you

y’all liars.

Don’t we have at least 2 other Ukraine threads where you can all be dicks to each other?


This one? I think this is your entry to the conversation, unless I missed one.

When I was an undergrad I went through ~$500 worth of Lone Star a week.


I’m not trying to be, but I do think it’s clear who he’s directing this at

(ignoring whether “getting mad” is an accurate description of this post)

I get that militaries treat personnel no differently than they treat equipment, which is one of many reasons why war is terrible, but there’s something really unsettling about including personnel casualty counts on a, like, video game scoreboard graphic posted with a sarcastic quote from a former athlete.


Is that a boxed wine?

Everybody is free to choose what they want to talk about.

One the one hand we have an infographic, on the other hand we have this:

Look, if we mean ‘performative’ in the sense that people are making an ostentatious display of it, then ok. But if we mean ‘performative’ in the sense that the thoughts and feelings underlying the performance are not real, that’s a harder row to hoe. One doesn’t mock the grunts and cannon fodder who are forced to fight rich and powerful men’s wars, that’s like Basis Humanity 101.

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It’s the National Beer of Texas.


God is good we probably do!

What if body counts give me an erection?

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Touche, then you’d be exempt under the no-kink-shaming bylaws. But that’s a tight needle to thread.


But with this, you’re implying that there are people here that actually think they’re comparable because we choose to talk about one and not the other? If you want we can go back and forth about how terrible the destruction is, how many lives are permanently changed as a result of it, but I feel like that would be performative, because it wouldn’t be a substantive discussion–it would just be making statements that everyone agrees with.

Fucking hell I just wanted to point out the dystopian feeling I got while looking at a graphic that celebrated the death of 70,000 human beings right alongside hunks of metal and electronics. I wasn’t intending to start a shitshow.



You’re dad wasn’t a baby-killer in Vietnam or some other part of China was he?

Hypothetically there might be other people who feel this way who don’t post as such because of the shitshow possibilities. Without even knowing who or what the Captains are, let alone their enemies!


I disagree that it would be performative as there is still at least one person in this thread who argues the West should send zero aid to Ukraine.

Fair enough.

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