Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


Because nobody likes that shit.

People like it when Biden takes on an edgy trolling dickhead Dark Brandon persona. It’s okay to be a dick to people who deserve it. You know, like orcs.

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Ukraine keeping their population apprised that they are an effective fighting force against a country trying to utterly destroy them as a people and nation is 100% legit.

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Personally think every tweet Ukraine does should have War by Edwin Starr as the soundtrack. They really need to convey that violence serves no purpose. Swords into plowshares and all that. They need to wax poetic about the futility of man and his nature.

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Speaking of propaganda, interesting confluence here:

With a wealth of videos depicting Russian military setbacks being posted on social media platforms, the team is not short of material. But they’ve learned through trial and error what works and what doesn’t.

“We started displaying dead Russian bodies,” Olena says. “And then we realised that it actually didn’t work. It only united them against us.”

The team then tried to appeal to the consciences of Russian soldiers by showing images of dead Ukrainian civilians. Again, it seemed to fall on deaf ears.

“We realised they were actually proud of it. They were not condemning this at all,” she says. “We realised that we have to do this in a much more sophisticated way.”

Their most successful video, released in August after several mysterious attacks on Russian targets in annexed Crimea, has racked up 2.2m views. It mocked Russians for going on holiday on the peninsula and was set to the Bananarama song Cruel Summer.

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That would be a big improvement over the shitty Euro technobeats they play over their video clips.


The tweet had quite a few likes actually

I simultaneously hate and love the metal and techno music on Ukrainian videos. The absurdity of it all just works sometimes.

americans also like sending a message

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I actually think the first one is pretty funny. Maybe that makes me inconsistent idk

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Reading your posts is genocide, executions, torture, rape, abduction of children, destruction of vital infrastructure, conquering and pillaging of my eyeballs.

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My man just used as the main working part of his joke/insult, the idea that you can’t know history without talking to somebody who was alive at the time.

Have a picnic final answer.

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So what you’re saying is you’ve been holding out on telling me where the good action tables are at?

Lol at me trying to read this thread and having my eyeball sockets raped and pillaged.

Srs answer though (not to imply my other posts are not totally ded srs)

I think it was an attempt but it was so ill-constructed.

This thread so far feels like a Captain v Horsemen proxy war on all sides tbth. There’s no way so many innocuous posts would receive this level of rustlage.

(see: i’ll ask my dad about the falklands war like wat)

Ugh, fine, I was intending to ignore his post but I guess we can do this. You agree with CN that my posts in this thread are performative? These posts: