Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

It seem like you’ve missed a lot stuff like you said! Seemed like you needed a reminder

Thanks for looking out for me, I appreciate it

the grain deal pause was bad timing for putin. the individual countries who were waiting for shipments had gotten it, and current shipments are essentially the UN distributing it. so, pausing the deal doesn’t piss off only ukraine and some other small actor, it pisses off and has repurcussions at the security council.

the demand was also dumb. ukraine has no black sea fleet right now, and cannot guarantee any maritime security for anyone.

that’s because you are mostly insulated from russian state propaganda on your social networks.

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Question for those critical of the casualty info graphic tweets: What do you think those Russian soldiers were going to do if they were not stopped?


Getting mad about graphics showing casualty numbers is performative and clearly trolling.

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And the shipments were continuing anyway so Putin looks weak unless he tries to forcibly stop them. And in that case he pisses people off even more. So best case is “allow” them.

Many of them were probably in the process of, or preparing to, kill Ukrainians and blow up a bunch of shit

We had a discussion about this in the other thread, and I think when your country is being invaded by a greater power is not the time to insist on “when they go low we go high.” Ukraine government absolutely should be telling their citizens that the war is being won and that the invaders are suffering pain to keep morale up considering what their people are facing. Ukraine government aboslutely should be reducing the invading troops to the orcs or whatever dehumanization enables their front line troops to be most effective.

Maybe there is an argument for keyboard warriors in safe countries like myself not to do it, but if you are criticizing the taste of Ukraine military twitter from a moral standpoint you can get off your high horse. None of us have ever experienced any sort of adversity in our lives like many Ukrainians are facing at this moment.


Right, I am confident I am not the intended target of that tweet, and I tried to make a similar point to yours here:

Stop trying to moderate this thread.


No it’s not. Some people are sincerely wrong.

The only post of a person who is sincerely wrong and not engaging in performative art in the last 100 posts or so it this one that you just posted.

just so you understnad the level of fucked up here. krassovsky has already been reinstated to his previous assignments at RT, so his tv program missed basically a week.

at the time, people ITT were saying, (paraphrased) “look he was fired. there is a bottom.” uhh, not so much.

ETA: what actually happened is RT started showing new documentary content with krassovsky, possibly created before he was fired. so there’s deniability for simonyan to claim he’s still fired. oh well, we are never going to outsmart the propaganda


This but also its not even like we should even think of this as a government agency inflicting propaganda on its people, basically everyone in Ukraine had their lives upended, many lost family members so the tone of the tweets is inline with what people already feel.

Also, at the highest level, Zelenskyy is handling everything completely professionally despite being a former comedian.

Why can’t we have nice wars?

They can be civil sometimes, or so I’ve heard.


Everything you disagree with is trolling somehow :roll_eyes:

Many thought this Sun headline during the Falklands war was disgusting


Was expressing that view performative?

I’m not a fan of the way the Russian casualty lists were presented above but I’m not mad about it and blanket “performative and clearly trolling” is pretty poor.

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Made up, obviously incorrect bullshit.

Thanks for the insight into the Falklands War. :+1: Maybe I’ll ask my boomer dad about it. He hadn’t graduated college yet but might still remember.

On one hard, nation states in general shouldn’t be edgy trolling dickheads. On the other hand, using sick dunks to bolster morale and degrade the morale of the other side is a standard thing in wartime since the dawn of time.