Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

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Obviously, the commanders were fleeing.

It’s like everyone saw that movie about Stalingrad and decided the same zerg rush strategy would work in 2022.

Shouldn’t it be “a Ouija board” since it’s a W sound?

Interesting read:

We must always make sure to criticize the tweets of a nation defending itself from genocide. Those tweets must never gloat about the deaths of their enemies for that is the real problem.


take it fumb memes thread. thanks.

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23 recruits dying even before getting to the battlefield seems … not efficient.

Yea I think it’s a bad tweet but it’s certainly notable

I wonder what the Iraqis or Vietnamese would have tweeted if Twitter had been a thing. It seems certain to me that having this medium of communication increases sympathy for those targeted by an unjust war because they’re able to get their message directly to people who might not pay as much attention (obv it’s propaganda, yea, but it’s effective)

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Was that an official gov’t account? I thought it was just a meme account. Prolly best in the meme thread but w/e.

Huh, the blue checkmark didn’t show for me for some reason. Maybe they need to pay Elon $8 or something.


Dark humor is like food. Not everybody gets it.


I was wrong. Obviously Putin not as big a jackass as I thought and shipments will now proceed with no further threat of interruption from Russia.

I get that militaries treat personnel no differently than they treat equipment, which is one of many reasons why war is terrible, but there’s something really unsettling about including personnel casualty counts on a, like, video game scoreboard graphic posted with a sarcastic quote from a former athlete.

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I find the genocide, executions, torture, rape, abduction of children, destruction of vital infrastructure, conquering and pillaging even more unsettling.


Well yea, who doesn’t? I must have missed the tweet celebrating that, but it would certainly be a shitty tweet


You’re forgetting that in this black and white world the unsettling nature of genocide, executions, torture, rape, abduction of children, destruction of vital infrastructure, conquering and pillaging all mean it’s fine to turn death counts into video game scoreboards.

Silly old you.

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Buddy we had a Russian media member calling for the drowning of Ukrainian children like last week. If you haven’t seen this kind of stuff you’re purposely not paying attention

I don’t know how you expect me to respond to this. Yes, that is shitty and fucked up and certainly qualifies as unsettling!

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Agree, though I don’t think any NATO countries would ever be in the position to defend themselves from a genocidal invasion so maybe that’s why it’s hard for us to imagine that. (Usually we’re the ones doing the invading :confused:)
But idk if it’s necessarily cultural or just a byproduct of being the target of something like this and wanting to poke back at your aggressor, which may just be human nature. I get it, I just think it’s shitty. If they had made a joke about Putin needing a Ouija board to communicate with X dead generals it feels way, way less shitty.