Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

If it helps them, sure. But it helps Ukraine’s military situation and hurts Russia’s!

How does hostage taking square with the Russians evacuating civilians from Kherson?

I have no idea what the likely military outcome of the war is, let alone in this sector or that sector.


Blowing the dam, he said, would also destroy the water supply to Crimea and thus show that Russia had accepted that it could not hold onto the peninsula.

yeah man, makes total sense.

Well, when literally everyone from different countries and media organizations with people in Ukraine is saying that the Russians will do it, but the Russians say that the Ukrainians will do it, there really is no way to know which claim is more likely to be true, is there?

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Not if Russia does not think that they can continue to hold Kherson

Sure there is. Figure out who will benefit by the thing being done.

Kinda hard to do that when you adamantly refuse to consider anything that the “The Russians are going to do it” side is saying about how it will benefit the Russians.

As far as I can see no one has actually articulated how it will benefit the Russians!

Is emotional satisfaction a benefit?

From your own link

Destroying the Kakhovka hydro-electric power plant would also add to Ukraine’s energy woes after weeks of Russian missile strikes aimed at generation and grid facilities which Kyiv said have damaged a third of its country-wide power network.

Not to mention that it lays to waste land Russia is unlikely to be able to hold, destroying things out of spite. It may also make it more difficult for Ukrainian forces to cross the Dnipro and press further into occupied territory.

All this stuff has been posted

Russia controls the power plant. They don’t have to destroy the dam to cut power. That makes zero sense.

A new classic from the poster who brought us

I guess short of Putin coming out and announcing “I believe planting these explosives will benefit me” we just can’t possibly speculate on why he would plant them, and even if he did explicitly tell us why he did it wouldn’t be good enough evidence because it could just be political leader bluster.


Blowing up the dam will hurt Russia because it will make resupplying their troops in Kherson more difficult. They won’t be able to cool the nuclear plant they control. It might make sense if they evacuate their troops on the western bank of the river and abandon their defense of Kherson. But all accounts I’ve seen is that they’re currently reinforcing their positions in Kherson. Blowing the dam up with tens of thousands of Russian troops on the far side of the river strands them. Who does that help? Opinions vary I guess.

Not sure what those three year old coronavirus posts have to do with anything.

The orcs did it ldo.

And of course, the Ukrainians blowing up a dam (which is also a bridge) and stranding a bunch of Russian troops is a legitimate military tactic.

Russia has claimed that Ukraine wants to blow up the dam. Do you believe that if the dam blows up, it will help Ukraine more than it helps Russia?

Of course, unless the Russians withdraw their troops from the western bank of the river and then blow up the dam. Then it is probably the Russians who did it.

If it made sense for Russia to blow shit up if forced to retreat and they made preparations to blow shit up if forced to retreat with promises to blow shit up if forced to retreat, should Ukraine refrain from forcing Russia to retreat to avoid inducing the damage that would be caused by Russia fulfilling its promises if forced to retreat?

Of course not. My point is that if the dam blows up with significant Russian forces on the western bank it wasn’t Russia who did it.

“There’s a famous Russian proverb about this type of behavior. One day, a poor villager happens upon a magic talking fish that is ready to grant him a single wish. Overjoyed, the villager weighs his options: “Maybe a castle? Or even better—a thousand bars of gold? Why not a ship to sail the world?” As the villager is about to make his decision, the fish interrupts him to say that there is one important caveat: whatever the villager gets, his neighbor will receive two of the same. Without skipping a beat, the villager says, “In that case, please poke one of my eyes out.”

It would still be the Russians who did it

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