Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Elon really helping the situation…


Let me get this straight. There’s no evidence at all that Trump interfered with the inner workings of the CDC’s testing response, but actually, the burden is on me to prove that Trump didn’t order the CDC to put guidelines in place to make it difficult to test for community spread of the virus? lol?

Costco person here. When my wife heard about the hoarding she was like “we’re all set, we already have three months’ worth of everything”.

It absolutely is a comfort/coping mechanism in my life, even without a crisis. I’ve actually talked about it in therapy and think that, all things considered, my need to have a huge surplus of non-perishable stuff stored in our house isn’t that big a deal. I’m not harming anyone, and it’s certainly a healthier reaction than the way I used to manage my insecurity and fear of scarcity.


Boomer at my table eating with his hands while playing, but eyeing the old Asian guy with the raspy voice suspiciously.

Trump is going to unwittingly thin out a lot of his supporter herd.

Let me get this straight. In year four you think the default should be to trust the Trump administration? lol?


Czech government has 1,011 people under imposed home quarantine.

Eighteen cases so far. Gonna be a shitload more under quarantine soon.

Trust? No, of course not. But you also shouldn’t embrace conspiracy theories as your default position. Or if you do, at least put some effort into crafting a conspiracy theory that actually makes sense. Like Hillary murdering Epstein – there’s a conspiracy theory that actually has a somewhat sensible rationale. Your conspiracy theory of a purposefully-bungled response to this virus in order to…help Trump politically? Doesn’t make a whole lot of sense.

We already know he did this. If you think he’s going to passively sit by and watch the virus numbers get to a million in the USA 1


Don’t forget Obama wouldn’t have disbanded the pandemic response team that was specifically charged with coordinating executive response to an event like this.


It makes all the sense in the world when you remind yourself that in Trumpworld there are only winners and losers and any President who allowed a virus outbreak to happen, like Obama did with ebola, is a loser.

“Incredible and successful effort”
“working very hard to keep these numbers as low as possible!”
“doing a fantastic job, as the numbers would indicate!”

Trump, as usual, has backed himself into a corner where the only possible outcome that will be good for him is unrealistically low numbers of people infected but you’re right, we can’t prove he wants the CDC to be hamstrung when it comes to testing.


Well, you can prove that he hamstrung the CDC’s efforts if he actually did actually hamstring the CDC’s efforts. But you need, you know, proof.

It’s not unreasonable to be suspicious, but it is unreasonable to expect that a rando on the internet is going to be the one to get proof.

Right, that’s the job of serious investigative reporters like John Oliver.

They made the decision to override cdc and bring back the americans from that cruise ship after a dozen asymptomatic ones tested positive. And then had a diplomatic delegation meet them without masks or training and then let those people roam freely


The bottom line is that he’s the president and we’ve completely bungled the response. It’s his fault, period.


Sure, but it’s also Azar’s fault. And the CDC director’s fault. And his senior staff’s fault.

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Yes. But when you’re the boss and your team is messing up, and you not only do nothing about it, but instead encourage them and celebrate their failures… it goes back to really really being your fault.


Yeah because as a great man once said, “the buck stops somewhere else.”