Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Jesus Keed. He’s the fucking President. He can do a hell of a lot without needing to go there and surreptitiously pull plugs out of there sockets. He is an incompetent buffoon and he surrounds himself with other incompetent buffoons. It’s hardly fucking surprising when shit hits the fan.

I can feel the germs launching an assault on every mucus membrane in my body. HOLD!!!


Sure? But I simply don’t believe that Trump didn’t want there to be adequate testing capacity, that the lack of testing and restrictive guidelines happened because that’s what Trump wanted. That it’s a purposeful strategy. As I said earlier, incompetence and inertia/complacency seem much more likely.

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I can believe it. And he said it in not so many words. But I suppose he lies all the time so there is that.

Go read that nurse’s letter from yesterday and then tell me the CDC is not purposefully testing as few people as possible.


But the incompetence and inertia would not exist on this issue if Trump did not want it to exist. This isn’t winning the Afghanistan war FFS, if Trump just gave them a bunch of money and said make sure there are enough tests and I’ll get out of the way, the CDC would figure out a way to get the tests.

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Oklahoma with a case now. The odds of there not being a lot of untested positives has to be very very low.

Just scored a 20 pack of 3M P-95 masks online. Frick going anywhere unless absolutely necessary.

Hey Keeeeeeeeed. More from the Jackass’ mouth. Read the replies too.

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wooooo now the Midewest gets to join the party!

Shit his hands really are tiny.



Who picked Azar? Who gives him his marching orders?

Going to guess Keeeeeeeed is too busy to have read that.

His hands look like the skit from SNL:


And it’s not like he’s automatically going to get caught anytime soon. If people die without being tested, they died of flu, pneumonia or old age. We won’t know til data scientists tell us a year from now when he’ll conveniently have gotten four more years.


lmao is that a real picture??

I never disputed that the testing response is inadequate. Mike Pence doesn’t dispute the testing response has been inadequate. I just called your conspiratorial explanation for why the response has been inadequate ridiculous.

OK, but testing is something any casual, inexpert person would think to do a lot of, and for obvious reasons: it’s what other countries are doing right now, and it’s what we’ve done in pandemics in the past. So, the guy you say is very well qualified to head the CDC, did he just have a massive blindspot for the most obvious need to combat the pandemic, and no one else told him? If so, why hasn’t he been fired?


Eventually, this is going to explode in America. Once testing becomes more accessible (or accessible?), those infection rates are gonna shoot through the roof.

Trump can try to minimize testing to keep the number low but that only makes for an inevitably higher number.

As stupid as people are, 99% of Americans would make better decisions against the coronavirus than Trump. Even the people who like him wouldn’t be taking these actions in his shoes.

Keeeeeeeeeeed- here is your smoking gun Trump connection.