Coronavirus (COVID-19)

Number of Positive cases based on regions.


Ayrshire & Arran-1

Forth Valley-2

Greater Glasgow and Clyde-1




Maybe COVID-19 is god’s judgement against boomers?

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It sounds like there were some delays and roadblocks in the test that the CDC developed. Anyone who has done science research can understand how that could happen, which isn’t to say that someone didn’t screw up. Perhaps certain CDC people ought to be held accountable for the delays and failures but without knowing the specifics I don’t know who should be held accountable and to what degree.

Both of these are like, wow.

Totally stable genius.

Got to take a shot at someone, how about WA governor and former Dem presidential candidate Jay Inslee?


I’d be surprised if this isn’t in every state and every major city already. South Jersey has a presumed case now. Delaware county (south of Philadelphia) has a case. It’s going to explode soon. Ugh.

OK so here’s the thing. Trump doesn’t set the testing guidelines. Pence doesn’t set the testing guidelines. Azar doesn’t set the testing guidelines. The CDC does, and if the administration tried to interfere with that the career civil servants at CDC would be leaking that to the NYT and it would be spread across the front page of every paper in the country. And rightfully so.

So why were the testing guidelines restrictive? It sounds like they were restrictive because there wasn’t enough testing capacity. And that was because of delays and fuckups in the CDC roll out of the test.


There’s a lot of truth to this, but it also let’s Trump off too easy. A vaguely qualified President would have been on top of the CDC/HHS people. Some of the fuck-uppery was doubtless baked into the cake, but it’s also pretty obvious that Trump is too inept to manage his administration, and it’s also disturbingly apparent that he wants everyone to bury their head in the sand for as long as possible. This is the classic weakness of dictators and wannabes… they need to shut down honest reporting so they can spin their lies, but they shut down their own eyes and ears too.


Yeah, even at the most charitable and non-conspiratorial, Trump is culpable for the ineptitude of the CDC.

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Guys, any failures in the virus response are due to incompetence on the part of the CDC. It’s hardly Trumps fault if the people he appointed to oversee a department he’s ultimately responsible for turn out to be incompetent, and any cuts he made to this department are as irrelevant as any statements he might have made indicating ignorance of the issue. Also it’s hardly his fault if he makes a few misleading statements, it’s Trump after all and we all know he likes to make shit up, it’s no big deal.


It’s not really his fault, after all “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated”.

On the other hand, “I alone can fix it”.

Also I think you’ll find the American people voted overwhelmingly in favour of ignorance in 2016. Deal with it libs!

Can we get a new thread for this keeeeeeed detail?


Cue up Mike McDermott: Happens all the time with Trump, doesn’t it?


I dont think you’re entirely wrong on the point you are making.

But nonetheless. Please stop. You are making this thread unreadable. This thread is the best place on the internet to get good global info. Don’t ruin it.

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Tests for 21 of the 46 people tested Thursday came back positive, raising fears that the virus could be spreading widely among the more than 3,500 passengers aboard the Grand Princess. Pence said those infected include 19 crew members and two passengers.

Some real geniuses. I mean, ya think!

The only issue with this is health care professionals are not going to stand for putting themselves at huge risk pretending severe cases aren’t C19. They’ll revolt.

No worries guys, these people are going to die at sea and it won’t count as deaths on American soil. Score one for Doctor Donnie, the smartest virologist in all the land!

21 out of 46 seems bad but presumably they were sick.

A buddy of mine makes his primary living as a cruise ship comedian. He’s in complete denial that it’s ovahhh for a while. Luckily he dabbles in other things.