Coronavirus (COVID-19)

When? How? How will they know? They’ll be seeing people on like day five with mild/moderate symptoms and sending them home. How many will die at home without ever seeing the inside of a hospital?

By the time people make it to the hospital, the ones who live long enough will get tested. There will be a gap in medical treatment at precisely the point test results should be coming back in and when clinically it’ll look more and more like COVID-19.

Also don’t underestimate the number of doctors who won’t be watching the news daily and will assume we’re doing a reasonable job with the testing and won’t be looking for it because there won’t have been any positive tests nearby.

Besides, a nurse revolted yesterday and wrote a bomb-throwing letter. What came of it? Jack shit.

I think this crisis is gonna be a real test of the post-truth age.

Like. How far can we ignore reality?


Few will die at home.

Right so assume something like 100 people at least have it, if not more, and that number will likely double every 2-3 days given the lack of controls they’re going to be able to put in while still feeding everyone. I’d be amazed if fewer than 1,000 people got it, and given the likely demographics we could easily be looking at 70-100 deaths.

But the important thing to remember is that this did not happen on Trump’s watch, it happened at sea! Not his fault!

It’s gonna take shutting down the media and muzzling doctors from speaking about it.

Which sadly 20% of the country would snap vote for right now, another 20% could be easily scared into it in a crisis, and another 20% could probably be dragged along in the name of common sense and compromise.

GG what’s left of our democracy.

The enemy of the people stuff has laid the groundwork. They’ll buy out all the media sources they can, and shut down the ones they can’t. Just like Putin. Except we’ll probably use the courts to shut them down. They’ll leave something like a neutered MSNBC run by corporate lackeys as token resistance.

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People only for the most part ignore reality when it effects other people. I think once grammy redneck and the rest of the clan fatty heart disease start dropping like flies from a “cold”, shits gonna hit the fan.

We would hope if that happens the light switch will come on in for at least a few percent of the idiots. But then we are way beyond imaginary lines being crossed…

Perhaps. However right wing attitudes to healthcare in general require some severe cognitive dissonance.

I’m hoping it cuts through. I think the fact its gonna be dominating the news for the next 18 months helps.

I actually made progress with two Trumpers at work this week. I think because everything I warned them about a month ago is happening, and they are both worried about mom and dad. Absent the mom and dad concerns, I think they would hand wave away the first part.

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The hardcore cultists will believe anything Trump tells them until the end. Straight Jim Jones shit.

Nah they’ll insta-switch to being terrified, blaming immigrants and minorities and forget they ever downplayed it.

Trump will probably say we had it stamped out until MS-13 snuck it back across the border and deliberately spread it by raping white women. NY Times will both sides the claim.

Just like they’ve done with every single thing they used to claim to care about that Trump flaunts on a daily basis.

I’m done with this but cuse is the one who’s actually derailing this thread with the political and conspiracy posting. If he wants to bitch about Trump he should do it in the bitch about Trump thread.

Shit like this shouldn’t be in this thread:

Fair enough . I think you’ve both made your points and been heard. We can and should leave it there.

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This seems productive:


So here’s the thing… this thing isn’t that subtle. It kills by giving people viral pneumonia and it forces an awful lot of the victims to go to the hospital. This isn’t actually something that can be covered up by just not testing. In particular when a 100k+ old people are in serious/critical condition (and let’s be clear if they don’t get it they fucking die) the number of coronavirus cases officially confirmed isn’t going to matter at all.

We’re probably going to have half a million infected in this country by the end of May. Then it’s going to start falling through the summer, but in September-October it’s going to come roaring back with a vengeance.

Donald Trump is a really stupid narcissist. People with his personality disorder deny reality when reality is at all bad for them. That’s what he’s doing now. Up until now he’s run like god, but seriously coronavirus is him crashing back to the mean. In fact this right here is probably the post truth era blowing up in front of our eyes in a spectacular explosion.

A lot of you guys have a nasty habit of trying to forecast the future by taking a ruler and using it to extend the current trend out to infinite. That’s not how things work. They go through cycles, sometimes long cycles… And when the cycles change the people who were all in on that cycle get absolutely crushed. Nobody on gods green earth has a bigger long bet on truth not being a thing than Donald Trump.

A lot of you really aren’t comprehending how bad/obvious this is going to be… and how juicy a media story it is. The media LOVES the rise/fall narrative… and eventually they are going to switch gears to covering ‘the fall of Trump’ just as breathlessly as they covered ‘the rise of Trump’. Coronavirus is the perfect plot device for their reality TV show.


Yeah, hopefully this isn’t enough info to figure out who it is, but I have an epidemiologist in a class I teach right now. A fucking epidemiologist with a legitimate job for a major hospital group.

We have been arguing about this ever since the early days when Jman was being flamed. She’s been “it’s just the flu, the flu is more dangerous, get your flu shot.” She’s an epidemiologist.

Yesterday she comes to class sick as a dog. I’m like, yo, you sure you shouldn’t go home? She works at a hospital (I think). Halfway through class she says, sorry, I just checked I’m running a fever, I have to go, but insists she will be at our next class no matter what. I’m like no stay home if you’re sick, I’ll help you with the content.

Today, I find out a couple days ago she was interviewed by a major media network where she again downplayed coronavirus but played up hand-washing (good) and the importance of convincing health care workers who are often overachievers to stay home when sick. Come the fuck on, thanks for showing up to class.

This is a legitimate person in a legitimate position of authority who has the very job that you would think this kind of blind spot would not apply. Ignorance is rampant and biases die hard.


They already did this.

Fuck Fuck Fuck…

Here’s little old me thinking it was just the students and simple stuff I had to do to avoid PANIC, and all week I’ve been sitting here saying Phew!!! Its gonna be all good for me I think then It dawned :dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face::dizzy_face:

Young guy in my block, nice dude and as we only have a 4 in a block it’s 2 old yins and us so we keep the area fairly clean and defrost when needed & they keep the flowers up :bouquet::+1::grin: And I’ve just remembered he started a new job.

Where you say… In a Goddam Cruise ship, fitting flooring and decking In America :angry:

And he arrives home tomorrow… :scream::scream::scream:


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So in mostly irrelevant news, here’s my trip report from a Seattle-area Safeway.

  • Hand sanitizer is still completely gone, as it has been for a couple weeks now. Liquid hand soap in the pump dispensers have a sign added to the shelf that says you can only buy 5 at a time.
  • Toilet paper shelves had big empty areas but there were still some varieties available.
  • The store was slightly more crowded than usual but nothing crazy.
  • More people than usual were using the wipes on carts and baskets than usual but by no means all of them were.
  • I did see some people, including clerks, wearing latex or nitrile gloves.
  • A handful of masks on people.
  • Corona beer was on sale but was fully stocked on its shelves in the cooler.

My purchases totaled 18 12oz cans and 1 22oz bottle of (non-Corona) beer.