Coronavirus (COVID-19)

If this becomes true, I’m guessing the elections will be indefinitely postponed.

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These are people who were somewhat healthy before and suddenly dying of viral pneumonia. This isn’t even a little bit subtle. The people the flu kills are less obvious because they’re weak enough to get taken out by the flu. This is the fucking plague.

A lot of you are in denial about how many dead people there are going to be. Our healthcare system is not prepared for this in any way and this story is going to be ratings gold from now till whenever the vaccine gets developed.

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we’re gonna have to cancel our ski trip, aren’t we. Living up in the boonies outside San Diego I’ve felt pretty safe, but we’re scheduled to fly in 3 weeks into what is basically the European hot zone. And my husband wants to do some ski touristy thing where you ski from Zermatt over into Italy to have lunch, then ski back.

He’s gonna be so disappointed.

fuck. $2500 down the fucking tubes.

Search for uncle and coronovirus and alps on twitter. There was a thread earlier today where 4/6 on a trip skiing tested positive on return to LA area. 3 sick, 1 severely. They have not tested the aunt. Finally put her on home quarantine. Yep she was living with a positive husband and going out in public running errands and not being tested herself.

I saw that thread, got shook, then got suspicious when I saw the EXACT SAME THREAD posted by a guy claiming his cousin in Philly tested positive.

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Why are you out the $? There’s a good chance you can get it back. It depends though. Don’t write any of it off.

travel insurance isn’t covering it, and unless the airline issues a policy affecting Geneva, our tickets are nonrefundable (we fly coach, lol)

Currently, the only policies issued by United is for China and airports in northern Italy.

Ah those Halcyon days all the way back in (checks notes) February.

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I’ve canceled trips on coach nonrefundable before, you may have to eat a $150 change flight fee, but you aren’t out $2500.

A ton of airlines and travel agencies and hotels are waiving change fees. Do not fly to Europe right now. It’s not even that you could get sick. It’s that you could get stuck.

officially cancelled:

Also, didn’t see this mentioned in the thread, but California GOAT again:

This may be irresponsible, but I’d probably just go anyway.

honestly, that’s what I’m worried more about, is not being able to get back home.

I mean, we have friends in the area that we could stay with for a bit, but it wouldn’t remain a tenable situation for long

Things are going to get really really bad in the US in the next few weeks.



The good news is it’s still 80 degrees until mid-October in most of the country these days.

Did you see any Costco refugees wandering around bewildered that you could buy stuff in smaller than gross-size?

My friend just had to cancel her trip to Italy. She’s heartbroken. I think she’s only been out of the country once.

If anyone is interested here’s a 1 ounce bottle of hand sanitizer on sale for $469:

Edit: nevermind, sold out. Oh well.


You might be glad to be out of the country and in a place with first-world healthcare that doesn’t actively prey on its subjects.