Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you


Tajikistan’s windows must be able to withstand a lot more force than Russian windows.

His whole goal is to reunite the Soviet Union. Ukraine was supposed to be the first step.

It was in the speech he gave before actually invading.


Yes. He believed Ukraine would be a cakewalk and other countries would fall as well.

Not entirely different from Bush’s axis of evil. Iraq was just the beginning prior to invasion. It’s why he mentioned Iran and North Korea along with them.

Nice strawman. Some people here are fucking insufferable with their intentional misinterpretations just to argue for the sake of arguing. Which previously banned forum member are you?

You know what? Don’t even answer. You’re not worth more attention than this post is giving you.

But if you don’t think Dubya wanted to conquer other countries he claimed were a threat if he crushed Iraq, I got a bridge to sell ya.


Should just do a bar trick on Putin. Hey Putin I say you have 600 missiles and they say you have 20, can you show them to us to settle the bet? It’ll work every time.

Considering conditions for draftees, “terrorist” incidents like this may become common.

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lol watching live stream of a German military guy rn and he said that Ukraine got enough Anti-Tank weapons delivered for every tank on earth.

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Hearing that Ukraine is pushing on Kherson with 20k+ troops starting 18 hours ago but haven’t seen many details. Radio silence was urged. Hoping the Russians haven’t figured out how to fight.

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Wanted and capable are different things


Russian crews in 50 year old tanks not overly eager to fight:

Iran sending a system with 700km range to Russia

Also this in Belarus

Seems bad

Israeli Minister of Diaspora Affairs:

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