Ukraine Invasion 2: no more Black Sea fleet for you

The source is linked, you’re free to check it yourself. The account is also followed by rob lee.

Could ask the same sort of questions about a new poster with more AU posts than actual content.



I told you why it’s newsworthy. The original source is there, it sure seems legit, and it’s an account followed by a one of the biggest osint accounts out there. It’s interesting, at a minimum.

Sure thing bud. You asked, it was answered.

FYI - some dude named Piotr Butowski has been writing books about Russian military aviation since at least 1992. I’ll read what he has to say just fine.

How were they ordered?

You’re goddamn right I have and they were in perfect FIFO order.


Like all tweets, I gave it the level of credence I thought it deserved, which is low.

This is war, even good information is often bad, and bad information is almost always bad. While maybe not an ideal tweet to post, it wasn’t posted with any particular endorsement. Just another data point.


I would give such tweets more credence if they were re-tweeted by people I would acknowledge as experts (but, of course, I don’t automatically assume anyone with a blue check mark is an expert) and wouldn’t pass along information they knew to be false without comment.

Among missiles with identical capabilities, is FIFO the likeliest order of usage?

When talking about oldest things being used up a rule, are you reading it a a comment on specifically missiles when it was being stated as a general rule of inventory management applicable to all sorts of goods?


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This is kind of interesting. Maybe Musk is employing the cable tv special offer marketing strategy. It doesn’t seem like it’s going to fix his people hate rich guys problem though.

Belarus going to jump in for real?

If Belarus jumps in it’s next to insignificant, if anything it may provoke a considerable anti-Lukashenko response and he’s got a much weaker grip than Putin, having barely survived popular unrest over his last ‘reelection’.

I mean if Putin wants a win and a face saving offramp he should annex Belarus and call it a day.

I dunno. At a minimum it broadens the war and holds Ukraine resources in the north. Just adds more things that could go wrong and broaden the war more generally. I still think the way nato gets directly involved is some crazy incident in Poland more than anything else

Maybe not the best timing for Belarus to be fucking around.

NATO and Russia will both be doing nuclear drills soon.

Claims of Belarus potentially invading Ukraine are just like the claims that Russia is about to run out of missiles in that we have been hearing these claims for along time and neither of them has happened yet.

In February Lukashenko, like most, probably thought Russia could defeat Ukraine. If he didn’t want to invade back then why would he want to invade now when things are looking bad for Russia? To be fair I also didn’t think Russia was going to invade until they actually did, but I am going to continue to be skeptical about Belarus joining the war until they actually do