Trump's America

Oh man wife loves Founders she’s going to hate this :joy:

Just a non-denominational evangelical pastor there folks, nothing to see here.

Also, coincidentally, the guy who founded the anti-Semitic conspiracy theory website that the dude who made the HRC bet with me likes. TruNews. I’d like to thank Mr. Wiles or walking that guy into the easiest needle ever. “Does it bother you at all that the place you’re getting your news from can’t even spell true?”

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Optum’s medical care algorithm in wide use favors white patients over sicker black ones.

Yeah these kinds of data driven bugs where computer code accidentally mirrors human racism are going to be a huge problem going forward. There are concrete reasons I have real concerns about black box algorithms that rely on past data to predict the future. It’s because stuff changes over time. Like black lives mattering.

WTF is that ‘huwhite’ thing those guys always do lol.





How can you listen to the cries of that girl and just continue to pile on top of her? Fucking insanity.

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This is what republicans have wanted all along when they clamor for police officers in schools. Again, feature not bug.


We need a lot fewer cops and they need to have much larger limitations on the use of force. There should be body cam footage of every use of force and what led up to it. If there isn’t the cop goes to jail automatically.

They literally shouldn’t be allowed to testify in court anymore. If there isn’t camera footage it didn’t happen. They’ve lied so many times at this point that them saying something just has zero credibility.


I mean I agree with this, but we’ve seen plenty of videos of cops abusing civilians with little to no repercussions. At some point we need to accept that this is what a lot of people WANT police officers to do - take out the frustrations that an unremarkable middle aged white guy feels when they are annoyed by a mouthy black kid, but is unable to act on.

This is true, but I think this police meta is grinding to a halt honestly. We’re in the last throws of a lot of stuff right now. It’s quite an interesting time to be alive. Probably most similar to the late 20’s early 30’s in terms of where we are on both the political and economic cycles.

I honestly have no idea how it’s all going to shake out, but I’m quite certain it’s shaking and fucking hard.

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The comedian who called out Harvey Weinstein to his face is a god damn hero. Shame on the people there who booed her.


For sure. We need to use social pressure like this far more often.

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Politeness is hugely overrated and shame is hugely underrated. I realize that public shaming with the internet is bad sometimes (particularly when used on people who really don’t deserve it), but there’s really nowhere near enough shame in public life. Mitch McConnell should never be able to go out in public without getting pelted with rotten produce/eggs ever again honestly.

This is where my wife works and it was a big deal there

This fucking country

Update 9:50 p.m. EDT Oct. 27: Gunshots were fired Sunday night during a vigil for victims of a shooting during a homecoming party at Texas A&M Commerce.

Went to a wedding over the weekend for a family friend. Last few minutes as everyone is filtering out, the groom happens to be standing next to my wife and I talking to his friends. There was some comment made about their honeymoon in Jamaica and groom’s response was “I work at the prison, I hate black people”

Reminds me of an older brother of a good friend of mine. He was NYPD and one of those guys who knew to the day how much time he had left before retirement. I once asked him if he was moving after he finished. He said “Minnesota.” I asked why and without missing a beat he responded, “no n*****s.”

He apparently was very well respected at work btw

Meanwhile, in Ohio,