Trump's America

Onion. CA GOAT!

Story said it was training room with paraphernalia, which seems both dumb and plausible.

? What need could they possibly have for nazi memorabilia for training?

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I’m just picturing an instructor. “Alright folks, this is a swastika. Swastikas are bad. Nazis like swastikas. Nazis are bad.”

Yeah if that’s really what the room was for it would be full of nothing but obscure gang/racism stuff. For instance I had no idea 88 was a nazi thing until a few years ago.

NC Republicans are up to their petty bullshit some more:

Democrats gotta fight back. Take some tips from Uganda.

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Just a casual reminder that NC Republicans got less than 50% of the vote and yet amassed 60% of the seats.

They’re fucking disgusting.

It’s sad that this just reminded me that NC isn’t even the biggest gerrymander in the country.

Wisconsin, 2018

Even worse, THIS reminded me of Inso0 thinking this is a totally just result because it nullifies all those filthy urban voters.

“urban” voters you mean


Being a Holocaust denier in Palm Beach County is a bold fucking stance. 15.8% Jewish, 4th highest in the country.


Yeah that’s a craaazy stance in South Florida. Dude. No.

I mean it’s crazy everywhere, but that place is where old jews from the Northeast go to die. They pay the property taxes that pay that dudes salary to a ridiculous extent. Old Jews have absolutely no sense of humor about the Holocaust. The grew up around survivors and in a few remaining cases actually are survivors.

This is :ok_hand:

Who are you, Zina Bash?

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Lol busted :grin:

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He was re-elected by democrats who split their tickets to support him. Dude is disgusting.

Eli GOAT. NSFW content. Cosmopolitan Nazis are still Nazis. Centrists calling for civility are digging all of our graves.

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