Trump's America

I lean right, towards the Republican side

They’re all such independent thinkers they would never belong to a political party, they’ll just vote for that party every opportunity they get and watch its cable propaganda network religiously.

I really want to share that with luckbox on 22 but he reads here so this is for you luckbox and your effed up conspiracy theories. Hopefully you have to pay for it one day too.

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Counterpoint: it’s not wrong to demonize people who don’t accept certain things, depending on what those things are. defines “demonize” as: to portray (someone or something) as evil or as worthy of contempt or blame. These people are evil and worthy of contempt/blame. And it is worth our time to encourage others to treat them as evil and worthy of contempt.

People like this believe that society is zero-sum and that any time another group gains, white people lose. The way to troll and trigger people like this is to cheer any time they perceive white people as losing. When they whine about bad things happening to white people, tell them that those crackers deserved it.

“I don’t think any race experiences racism in the modern world the way that white people do in a jail,” he said. “In jail, whites come last.”

At least a white guy in jail knows what kind of people surround him and no one pretends those are good people. You know where you stand. Try being a non-white guy surrounded by white thugs dressed in the trappings of polite society. You’re not just fighting superior numbers with greater resources, you’re fighting against history, against the weight of the dead who preceded you. You don’t know who is being nice to you because they are polite enough to leave the quiet parts unsaid.

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Someone should find a forum filled with alt-right losers and start a thread asking whether the Emancipation Proclamation was a mistake. I’m stumped on where to find one, though.

Only 20%?
Not that it really matters, but that article is from Feb 2016.

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+1. My active dislike for Pete has exactly nothing to do with him being gay (all kidding aside without my dad’s gay friend from highschool/college Christmas would have been grim when I was growing up. That dude sent us stuff from FAO Schwartz every year. I never even got a chance to be homophobic and that was growing up in a very religious household lol… other people called stuff they didn’t like or was bad gay in the 90’s-early 2000’s I absolutely never did and other people doing so always made me profoundly uncomfortable to the point of confrontation a couple of times) and everything to do with his opportunism on healthcare.


Sevier County, TN: home to the most badass female entreprenuer and philanthropist…and this guy.

Also my cousins, who are co-owners of Ober Gatlinburg. I bet they know this clown, or know who he is.

I’m talking about Dolly Parton, ldo

Dolly Parton is an American treasure. Full stop.


Id like a reporter to ask the president if he agrees with the emancipation proclamation.

I quoted the wrong person again somehow…

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Another one. For the right not being bigots they seem to have a lot of bigots.

If you “like” Daubenmire here, you should listen to Cognitive Dissonance every monday. They have a story about his dumb ass almost every week.

Maybe he’s not a bigot, he just wants to make sure that Pete only has sex in the missionary position for Jesus.

Pete is 100% a top so maybe he’ll get that support after all.

uh oh. they all saw the news that Pete is polling 3rd in Iowa. Of any kind of attack against Pete from the right, I’m pretty sure this is the one he could care the absolute least about. Those people are never voting for a democrat, no matter who it is.

I expect more of this. Surprised we haven’t heard from our friend Franklin Graham today.

MHUA doesn’t really roll off the tongue

“Of course i’m for it. A lot of people have said maybe it was too much, too fast. A lot of really intelligent historians.”

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I never remember seeing the n-word when I first got into online poker over a dozen years ago, but now it’s everywhere. Guys get stacked and immediately launch into tirades calling the other player racial slurs.

You can tell them it’s wrong and call them bigots and they don’t care. It’s like a badge of honor being racist in Trump’s America. Feels extra special taking a few stacks off these pieces of garbage.

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