Trump's America

Also if someone uses this to say, “SEE? They’re not racist!” I might punch them right in the face.

I think that’s actually the point. ICE is making a point of being insanely harsh on the Canadian border as well so they can’t point to it as fair play.

Tons of Canadians are getting 10 year bans which used to be super rare. One guy got one for trying to go to US to volunteer at a music festival.

“I would never oppose a president because I believe in what scripture says about giving honor to authority,” the genial 33-year-old entertainer says in a brief interview before his show. “That doesn’t mean that I agree with everything. But I believe that an attack on authority anywhere is an attack on authority everywhere.”

Wait, he’s a Tauren? That’s cool.



The dude is just trying to get noticed by his superiors so he can get a promotion to the southern border, where all the career advancement and Trump administration opportunities are.

The only takeaway is that ICE hires horrible people top to bottom.

I feel like this already happened after the back to back mass shootings in el Paso and Ohio

LOL Chester PA. Daily reminder that Pennsylvania is the Alabama of the north.

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Chester Township, which is near Chester… I found this surprising (I know, shouldn’t be surprised ever by this garbage), because both are majority-black areas and neither is rural or even really suburban. Chester is an urban/industrial area, and I assume Chester Township is like halfway between urban/suburban. Both are near Philadelphia.

I don’t live too far away. If protests happen, I’ll be there. (With my luck, they’ll happen while I’m on vacation next week.)

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dude wouldn’t come off his porch bc they said he was loitering (on his porch) so they dragged him off of it, slammed him down and arrested him.

for loitering.

on his porch.


Ohio, though


That’s the Mississippi of the North.


I always thought it was more like Florida.

Gives you a tease that they might actually do the right thing, but always fails you in the end.

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Thank God - that will end charlatans profiting off this shit at least.


You’re next Mr Jones

He and Noah’s mother, Veronique De La Rosa, have also sued prominent conspiracy theorist Alex Jones for defamation. The pending case is one of at least five faced by Mr Jones.

Last week, a Texas court ruled that Mr Jones could not invoke free-speech law to end a separate suit, waged by Scarlett Lewis, the mother of Sandy Hook victim Jesse Lewis.

Looking at this guy’s bio, he has a rock solid background as a professor doing philosophy of science for like 25 years and then started promoting conspiracy theories in the 1990s, starting with JFK. That’s weird as hell, and he’s no doubt highly intelligent. Probably had a stroke or some latent schizophrenia or something. More than anything, it’s just sad.

"In the late 1970s, Fetzer received a National Science Foundation fellowship,[17] and contributed a chapter to a book on Hans Reichenbach.[18] In 1990, Fetzer received the Medal of the University of Helsinki.[1] He assisted theorists in computer science,[19][20] and joined debate over proper types of inference in computing.[5] In the late 1990s, Fetzer was called to organize a symposium on philosophy of mind,[21] and authored textbooks on cognitive science and artificial intelligence.[3][4] He is an expert on philosopher Carl G. Hempel.[1][22]

Fetzer published over 100 articles and 20 books on philosophy of science and philosophy of cognitive science, especially of artificial intelligence and computer science.[6][23] In 2002, Fetzer wrote Consciousness Evolving, a collection of studies on the past, the present, and the future of consciousness. The book is divided into three sections: how and why consciousness evolved, special consciousness capacities such as language, creativity, and mentality, and the prospects for artificial consciousness.[24] He founded the international journal Minds and Machines , which he edited for 11 years, and founded the academic library Studies in Cognitive Systems ,[7] of which he was series editor.[1] He founded the Society for Machines & Mentality. Near and after retirement, Fetzer remained a contributor to as well as cited or republished in philosophy of science and cognitive science volumes and encyclopedias.[2][22][25][26][27]"

“Umm, but he isn’t white”

Signed every trumpkin

Like w/ Jeffrey Epstein it is rational to believe that we were lied to about JFK. Can leave it at that or go insane trying to figure out just what the fuck the intelligence agencies are/were up to.

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