Trump's America

It probably takes more skill to pull off that I’ve got. But I think a fun line is to be to pretend understand how he feels and lament that we can’t just do that to Sean Hannity.

When he brings up other journalists, just say you don’t know anything about other journalists, all you watch is Fox News. Shepherd Smith was the best, and that’s why you watch it (not sure what you’re going to do when he’s gone), but sometimes you’d keep it on and that nut job Hannity would come on.

I’m just spitballing. Could be amusing if done right.


Just straight up home invasion and murder at this point.

Holy shit

I fucking hate this thread.


That looked like a pit bull. You’re not neutralizing it unless you knock it out or kill it.



This is one of the worst ones yet. If this guy doesn’t go down for it (and he probably won’t) there’s just no hope until we have major federal reform.

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I mean even ignoring all of the valid reasons why a homeowner might intentionally or accidentally leave their door open - if she had been a drug addict burglarizing the place there is still no justification for opening fire like that. Same thing can be said for coming home and seeing a stranger sitting on your couch eating ice cream.

I feel like a lot of times these conversations end up framed with the underlying agreement that, fine, the police officer had the right to hand down a death sentence to someone committing burglary or trespassing but this time they went TOO FAR.


There is just no incentive to train cops properly. Why spend millions training cops when a jury is going to find them not guilty 99.999% of the time if they kill someone?

If this cop goes to trial, he’s 100% going to say he feared for his life and all you need is one mouth breather on the jury to believe him.

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I haven’t been on Facebook in a couple of years. But when I was on, I asked my old neighbor whom was an ex-cop why good cops always protect the bad cops. He unfriended me within minutes and blocked me lol. The cult mentality it takes to be a cop is strong.


A small dog runs up to an officer and he fires three shots missing the dog and killing a woman

but guys, the police searched her house afterwards, and found a legal gun somewhere. so let’s lead with that in all the local news media, even though its completely unrelated to her murder.

The guy also called a non emergency number and the person that was sent out handled the situation by killing the woman in her home, jfc

I feel like his punishment should be to try and dodge three bullets.


Like, look at the body cam video in the article. The dog is like a 30 pound doodle

It’s more that whistleblowers are seen as rats by other cops. So if that whistleblower is out on patrol and needs backup, he isn’t guaranteed to get it.

That is if he’s allowed to go on patrol after blowing the whistle. He likely wouldn’t be trusted enough to go on the beat ever again if he’s lucky enough to keep his job. Nobody would ever want to go on patrol with him. And should the day come where he needs the police to help him or his family, cops have long memories when it comes to stuff like this.

I do wonder what my father would think of the cops these days given that he was one for 16 years. I mean, he absolutely hated the state police but was overall supportive of police in general. I suspect that even he would have trouble looking at these things post-career and supporting cops if he was still alive.

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Family from the UK is vacationing in Canada, accidentally drives down a road that crosses in US territory, is immediately arrested by Border Patrol and police and has been detained for several days with their infant child. Are we North Korea now?

What in the living fuck.

Looks that way. The rest of the world should be issuing travel advisories cautioning their citizens not to travel to the US and to exercise extreme caution anywhere near a border with the US, if they are choosing to vacation in safer countries like Canada and Mexico.