Trump's America

When white people do it they’re dipshits. When black people do it they’re animals.

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One of the classics:



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Did not see any fights but when i was working in a rink some of the parents were disturbing with what they were shouting at their little kids…it was like really man, they are kids just trying to have some fun.

That glass aint cheep hope he had to pay for it.

Well at least its raining here. Can’t say I’m not a bit shook to see pictures and videos of people wearing red hats all over the place where I walk through every day on the way to work. Not today…

Driving across Los Angeles today I saw thousands and thousands of cars. One of them had a trump sticker and I thought about running him off the road. I can’t imagine if they were all over the place. It would seem like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.

I have to resist this urge once or twice a week around Boston. There used to be more though just a year or so ago.

That’s the only one I saw today. I’ve seen them before, but they are pretty rare. There are a couple cars/trucks I’ve seen that are decked out with Trump stuff all over, handwritten signs etc, just like there are one or two vehicles you’ll see with Jesus stuff all over.

I don’t think I’ve ever seen a confederate flag on a car in LA proper. I’ve seen them once or twice out in the desert outside LA, I think. I know where I’ve seen a confederate flag on a house out in the desert.

I’ve only seen a few in AZ. One of our clients came in with a Trump 2020 hat on and that was hard to stomach. Luckily I didn’t have to go in to that meeting. I’ve had clients more than once ask me if I’m “One of those crazy socialists.”

Over the weekend I saw someone at a small jazz festival in my parents’ affluent neighborhood wearing an Infowars - America First since 1776 shirt. It amazes me people can be that stupid.

In Florida I see a Confederate flag at least once a day. It’s always on a bro truck with balls hanging off the back like it’s some tuf guy.

lol, I had seen that story already but I hadn’t seen the bit where he says “yo we didn’t have sex but pls take the morning after pill OK tks”, that’s next level.

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More stern letters. Where have we seen this before?

As if “Georgia” wasn’t enough, they had to add “Southern” to the name to make it super duper clear.


Democrats dumped popular and effective senator al franken based on an accusation from a right wing personality that he groped the air 10 feet in front of her for a perspective gag photograph while on a uso comedy tour in iraq

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Idk how I’d react if I was on this flight. On one hand I’d love to say something. On the other hand I don’t want to end up in federal prison for causing an incident on a plane.