Trump's America

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of Norwegians


Thatā€˜s one way to cheaply divorce your husband.

The hidden gem in the story is the police noting that the father had a right to feel jumpy, since earlier in the evening heā€™d had an angry confrontation at his home with another relative.

Just in case you want to see more of this stupidity: Reddit - Dive into anything

Seen a lot of people on twitter wondering why Jeanā€™s family (except his mother) seem to be fawning over his killer so much. Maybe they just know whatā€™s up?

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SCIENCE teacher


Surprised this doesnā€™t happen more often

Oh good, we get our own Jordan Petersen. Where do I sign up to give him 50K a month for being a bigot?

Twelve POUNDS of marijuana in his apartment. As one does.

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So whoever killed him didnā€™t bother to steal all his drugs?

Also the cop who is now in jail couldnā€™t figure out that there is a major pot distributor in her building? And her defense didnā€™t bring this up to discredit the witness?

Not only thatā€¦ Nobody on the police force trying to find a way to get her off could figure this out before? Nor her legal team? Let alone bring it up.

Plus who the fuck drives 400 miles round-trip to buy weed, kill the dealer, and not take the weed they intended to buy in the first place?

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I think Epstein killed himself, but I think some cops framed and killed this guy.


This is one of the most sickening things Iā€™ve read in a while. I have been following this story for a while - parents and kids have been doing protests, picket lines, etc over this redistricting proposal. Obviously I knew everyone was objecting for racist reasons but I guess I assumed it was moreā€¦ subtle(?) racism? Idk, itā€™s pretty rare that Iā€™m caught off guard like this.

These letters are disgusting.

From the article - there was an entire thread dedicated to this fight on chiefsplanet, and not in the DC forum.

googling ā€œparents brawl at little league gameā€ā€¦

This was my very first thought as well.

In fact, hockey parents are even worse.