Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

How the fuck did they get bail?


You only need 10% with a bail bondsman so 100k and you can put up your house. Lots of people do.

They were in the middle of abandoning their child, but I’m sure they’ll stick around to keep the house


Quick check of Reddit confirms that this is just more evidence that gun laws, like “don’t give your kids guns”, don’t work. Answer is more guns, not fewer.


They’re on electronic monitoring and they’re massively stupid. Some of the dumbest people ever. They are not getting away lol. If you get extra money when they flee, like if you get to keep the house, I would beg them to run as a bail bondsman

Which post? Linky link

Yeah, this. I hope they run. It’ll be fun to watch them get caught again.

I would snap approve it. They probably got to ask for more like 150k or 200k because they already tried to run

lol I don’t think that’s how bail bondsmen work.

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when people refer to tracking phones when they are off, they generally refer to circumstances when phone is either not truly off and still connected to wifi, or some sort of scanning for RFID/NFC identifiers at preset locations. some phones do have that, although i don’t know that it’s common in the US.

Yeah, the more I read about this, it sounds like phone tracking when off is not really a thing. Even the method described below seems to require some sort of malware that gets loaded on to the phone without the user knowing.

Also it sounds like all of these tracking strategies would be defeated by a few cents worth of aluminum foil. So even it were possible to track a turned off cell phone, one can easily get around that if you absolutely had to take the phone with you for some reason.

I haven’t seen where they’ve actually gotten out of jail. Am I missing something?

Do you actually put up your house to the bondsman or do you do a 2nd mortgage and give the cash to them?

I would assume its the later

Yeah… that’s not how they work.

Yeah, I guess if there are phones that aren’t truly “off” because malware is keeping them on even when they appear off, then sure, they could be tracked, so long as they’re still transmitting to, and receiving data from, cell towers. That would be NSA level stuff and not local law enforcement level stuff though.

Property bonds (where you put up your house) and insurance company bail bonds (bail bondsmen) are two totally different things. Property bonds don’t require a bail bondsmen at all. You basically let the court (usually the prosecutor) record a lien against your house in the amount of the bail bond such that if you run they will be able to collect against that lien by foreclosing against the house if necessary. If you don’t run, you’re never out any money.

Insurance Company bail bond (bail bondsmen) is another thing entirely and is an incredibly predatory industry, think payday lenders but with worse vig. You put up some amount of money in cash to them as their vig which you are never getting back (usually quite high), and then you put up other shit as collateral generally, which can include personal property, real property, etc. The agreement is between you and the bail bondsman though, not you and the court (although the court often has to approve it). If you run the bail bondsman owes the court the amount of the bond, which is why they have an incentive to keep you coming to court.


Even easier to track if a stingray is being used.

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The cell tower mocking devices were just starting to become mainstream when I left that line of work, so I’m not super familiar with them.

Presumably if you run, the bonsdman will hire someone to bring you back.

As long as they have you back by trial, then the bondsman doesn’t have to pay, is that right? Is there some sort of grace period?

What if the trial date happens, accused doesn’t show up, bondsman brings him in the next day? Is the bondsman out the whole amount?

What if the accused didn’t actually run, but just didn’t appear at trial (let’s say they forgot to set their alarm clock or whatever)? Is the bondsman out the whole amount then?