Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

Because there is a cost/benefit analysis to losing your house versus spending a few years in jail? I mean, I agree, the whole system is fucking stupid, we shouldn’t use financials as a means of preventing people from running, it’s a regressive system that discriminates against the poor. I thought it was a stupid fucking system when I was in prosecution and I still think it’s a stupid fucking system.

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This all varies wildly from state to state and jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and even judge to judge, so the answer to your question is maybe.

They were in use before that knowledge was made public. A hacker who went to prison for wire fraud woke everyone up.

They’ve been in use for 20+ years.

This is a great argument for not granting bail to people who are a flight risk.

Right, I always though pre-trial detention should be binary. Either you’re a flight risk and you’re in, or you’re not a flight risk and you’re out, with maybe some pre-trial supervision ankle monitoring for the edge cases. Our current system just makes sure that rich people stay out and poor people stay in.

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Well that’s just fucking terrifying.


Dude’s not exactly Erin Brockovich but it’s an interesting story.

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A lot of the time the property being put up for collateral is not the defendants but the parents or grandparents. If little Billy jumps bail he’s putting MeeMaw’s home in jeopardy.

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Also true.

I’ve seen a couple posts on reddit about the parents getting denied access to Canada because of vaccine requirements. Like they tried to flee and were denied. Not seeing a legit source though. Has any of you run across this?

Having traveled to Canada recently I can tell you that they require vaccination AND a 72 hour negative test AND you have to pre-register online, so yeah, these yokels would have gotten turned away if they had tried to cross. Even if they had crossed (assuming this is true), what was step two for them with their all of $4,000 in cash?


Huh, this looks like it might be inte… AHHHHHHH MY EYES KILL IT WITH FIRE


They would have gotten caught regardless right because they would have ID’d them and called the authorities?

I did find the sheriff in charge or w/e said he suspected they were trying to cross into Canada but that was it. I assume it would have been illegally so vaccine status wouldn’t have mattered.

The post I saw was just hoping that that was what had happened to them, as in they were saying that finding out these two were also antivaxxers and that fucked up their plans to escape into Canada would be the cherry on top of all their right wing idiocy.

So they’ve not actually been released right?

What’s their Gofundme at?

We should start this site. Proceeds go to the opposite of whatever the gofundme is for.


That’s actually not a terrible idea.


A podcast I listen to came up with KickStopper . Raise enough money and the product won’t come out

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