Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

gofundme obv

To be fair $4,000 American is like 5 billion Canadian, so I guess they would have been ok.


Anecdotally, Iā€™m starting to have more families bring their right-wing teens to my practice because theyā€™re getting aggressively amped-up about politics. Of course these parents all have Fox News running 24/7 and are absolutely bamboozled that their children are always ranting about communism.


This is no way a helpful comment, but a tip oā€™ the cap to the excellent hot fire being slung in this thread. UP shines brighter every time MAGAgeddon gets closer.



Apparently the parents hired an expensive attorney but are letting the kid fend for himself with a public defender, pretty on brand


They probably reasoned by analogy after seeing brown people crossing the Rio Grande on FOX.


They are pretty fucking stupid. Maybe they were planning on crossing it at the actual border crossing.

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Theyā€™re getting sent back from Canada always, not to say they knew that.

Itā€™s not like Canada is some sort of safe haven for USAian fugitives. Pretty sure every border crossing and town had their eyes peeled for them.

Not that I donā€™t believe you, but you gotta give us a source for these updates cuz this is wild.

Wait, the Fox-News-loving parents think this is a problem?

Maybe they didnā€™t know the bridge to Belle Isle doesnā€™t go all the way through.

If you wanted to get to Canada and assumed you couldnā€™t get through the checkpoint, thatā€™s pretty much where you would go. There are marinas all over the place there, though most of the boats are gone for the winter

Close is probably meant relative to where they started from. If they were 90% of the way there (or whatever), I think that ā€˜closeā€™ is not a wholly inaccurate way to describe their position. Even if the last 10% is very difficult to traverse.

They donā€™t want their teens to be one of ā€œthose kidsā€ who winds up on the news.

That is almost an exact quote.

Iā€™m seeing this in adults too. Not clinically, but at the poker table. Have had multiple people just start ranting about Joe Biden being a puppet clown cheater new world order Kamala is a satanist dems and liberals are going to start concentration camps dont give up your guns communist china argle bargle. Just pure insanity spewing from people unprompted. And they are angry. These are people I have a hard time imaging were politically aware in any way before Trump. The damage that fox news, newsmax, and social media has done is likely irreparable.


ā€¦Iā€™ve been seeing this since like the late 2000ā€™s and maybe earlier?

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Sure, me too, but Iā€™ve personally noticed a much, much higher frequency of this recently.

Seen LOTS of Joe Biden, anti Dem rage in TX poker rooms. No clue if itā€™s always been like this. Itā€™s probably more of very vocal minority, but if you get a couple of them at the same table, kill me now.