Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

Authorities seek parents of Michigan school-shooting suspect after charges announced


The Villages -300


fleeing is so incredibly dumb, i love it.


Wisconsin is not that far away!

I’m off to Kroger, will let you know if I see them.

In other thread someone posted they just left the house because of safety concerns or some such, and they’re going to turn themselves in. So it would appear that someone has been in contact with them.

It’s their lawyer, who presumably is yelling at them to turn themselves in ASAP.

Ya that’s what you say while you jet outta the country. There’s no place safer for these Trump supporters than jail, and that’s where they need to be

Right now? Fled.

I think they’re charged with manslaughter? Not 100% sure there though.

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Oh, I thought it was some sort of law enforcement person. Never mind. Carry on.


And this is the issue that the right never seems to acknowledge. Today’s “law-abiding citizen” is tomorrow’s mass murderer.


I guess not getting to carry a gun while doing open houses is like getting “fucked in the ass”, and having your son murder a bunch of schoolkids is like getting groped by a celebrity


A prosecutor says the parents of a teen accused of killing four students at a Michigan high school were summoned a few hours earlier after a teacher found a drawing of a gun, a person bleeding and the words “help me.”

Oakland County prosecutor Karen McDonald made the disclosure Friday as she filed involuntary manslaughter charges against Jennifer and James Crumbley, the parents of 15-year-old Ethan Crumbley.

McDonald says the gun used in the shootings at Oxford High School was purchased by James Crumbley a week ago and given to the boy.

Ethan Crumbley was returned to his classroom and later emerged from a bathroom, firing a gun at students. He’s charged with murder and other charges.

McDonald says Jennifer Crumbley sent her son a text, saying “Ethan, don’t do it.”


I seem to recall reading something along the lines that school shootings are not really more common now than they were 50 years ago, they’re just much more well-publicized.

What’s the consensus opinion on that take? True or false?

Well the number of schools is increasing with population so maybe shootings per school hasn’t increased as much?

Yeah, I should have specified per capita.

Obviously in absolute terms it should be higher.

Number of shootings has been going up since the turn of the century, and way, way up over the past 10 years.

6 in 2000
6 in 2005
10 in 2010
18 in 2015
8 in 2020 (plague year)
26 in 2021 (so far)