Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

Well, I guess they have gone up. Assuming the list is accurate.

How does it look if you count by deaths?

What more could she have possibly done??!


I honestly don’t remember hearing about any school shootings pre-Columbine. I guess they happened but surely they were more rare than they are these days.


Yeah, that’s kind of the crux of the issue. Did you not hear about them because they didn’t happen or was it because of no internet. A lot of these one kid shoots other kid he has a beef with in Zikzak’s link are likely to not make it beyond local news.

Columbine, and the late 90s in particular, were sort of where the mass casualty indiscriminate shooting of multiple students started. I guess it really doesn’t matter if it’s a group of kids who get in an argument and guns are used to resolve it, vs. straight up terrorism mass killings, but they definitely feel different in that regard.

Yep, it proves true EVERY SINGLE TIME. A good guy with a gun is only a good guy with a gun until the moment he turns into a bad guy with a gun.

We have no “bad guy” test when you purchase a weapon. How can we possibly know if the bad guys are just cosplaying as good guys.

“He was a bad guy all along. I know because he committed a gun crime.”

“Well yeah, but he hadnt committed a gun crime prior to buying the gun, was he a good guy at that point.”

“Obviously not, because he proceeded to commit a gun crime, therefore, he was always a bad guy, so only bad guys with guns commit crimes. I am a very smart person”


I just wonder which Tucker Carlson quotes she drilled into this kid to make him think schools are evil and guns are the solution

The kid’s best chance now is to find a lawyer to throw the mom under the bus for brainwashing him into thinking the second amendment stuff actually means anything in real life


Yeah also this.

I think when people say school shootings, they generally are referring to mass shootings. I’m generally not thinking of stuff like this

or this

Admittedly, they technically qualify as school shootings.

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I hadnt read the part that he gave a fucking gun to a child with evident emotional issues and gun based fantasies.

Holy shit, lock them up for 25 years for each dead kid at that school.


It’s sort of fucked up but this is the first one I remember pre-columbine, where someone pulled a fire alarm and then mowed down students as they exited the building. 1998 Westside Middle School shooting - Wikipedia

I was in high school when this one happened and it was talked about a lot the next day. Someone pulled the fire alarm at school and not a single one of us was leaving our seats.

The only one I remember before Columbine is that one that happened in Quebec in the late 80s were a shooter was anti feminist and killed at least a dozen women IIRC. This was a big deal in Canada.

Unfortunately, if people actually needed a good reason to own a gun before they get a gun, the people who desire gun ownership the most wouldn’t have them.

Like how alcoholics make up a huge majority share of beer sales, the gun industry depends on wackos ready to pop off


Don’t we have a gun thread for this stuff?

I saw a bunch of new posts today and was hoping that Trump got COVID again or Bannon died or some shit.



Perpetrators Mitchell Johnson, 13, and Andrew Golden, 11

Jesus fuck

we had a lot of them in the 60s and 70s, not quite like the 5+ ones we’re used to today tho

we’ve had school shootings for a long time in the history of this nation–we’ve always been nuts

columbine was the first one I remember as well, then instead of just walking through the back before start like we had been doing that got shut down to gather all in the same place outside the front which is locked until like 10 min prior to class or w/e which my thought that thankfully I was smart enough not to say out loud was, well if anyone wanted to mass shoot us they’d do it right before school starts and you just helped them you idiots.

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This is such a crazy story. The big question is what the chances are that the parents knew he had the gun. I really don’t know how to assess the percentage there. I mean I think it’s probably some sort of underdog? But the mom’s earlier response to him googling ammo in class was… Shit man, idk. Fleeing also suggests some pretty serious consciousness of guilt.

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Weren’t those carried out by the National Guard, though?


I think it’s highly unlikely they knew he had the gun in his possession on that day.

The parents likely planned this shooting and forced the child to carry it out. trumpsters view both educators and students as their enemies