Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

hardcore, bro


The money’s just so they can give their attorney his retainer and their phones are turned off so they can stay focused on turning themselves in, obviously.


Charges also being being considered against school administrators, per some lady interviewed on NBC.

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They’re Trump supporters


There was no mention of any specific basis. I was surprised to hear her say it.

Thank god he didn’t train you to be a suicide bomber like these folks did their kid. A lot of trump supporters do


That kid seems to be a bit of an asshole.


Only difference is we’ve stopped largely blaming aggressive music and video games.

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That seems bizarre. Aren’t most ATM limits lower than that. I’ve often thought I should figure out how to raise my ATM limit since it might come in handy some day. I don’t even know what it is now, but I’m pretty sure it’s less than 1K.

How many people just happen to have a limit that high? Did they get the limit raised while they were on the lam and then make the withdrawal.


0% chance anyone uses this like that


Once in Vegas I called my bank and they insta-raised it to like $5k

I don’t get all of this leaving the country talk. Where exactly do these two think they’re going to go where they won’t get their asses shipped right back here? Are they gonna seek asylum in Canada?

Shit, I didn’t realize it was that easy. The only times I’ve desired it to be raised were in similar situations and those times never occurred during business hours. That was probably for the best. Maybe. There was one super juicy game that I couldn’t sit in because of that which I remember quite vividly.

I wonder if they know the cops can track a phone that’s turned off.

these folks are extremely typical trump supporters. they’re dumbasses who think they’re smart and they’re gonna get caught at an airport using their real passports but wearing like fake mustaches or something


I wasn’t 100% sure about that myself.

How does this work exactly?

Even super dumb deplorables have to know to ditch their iPhones. Right? Right? (Natalie Portman meme)

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I’d like to think they’d have been caught by now if the cops were tracking their phones.

Your really think they’ve got a plan?

Of course not. I just don’t understand all the other idiots sitting at home thinking “leaving the country” is some sort of great plan or something that is likely to help. Them trying to leave the country gets them caught faster, if anything.