Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

My guess is the know about a cabin somewhere that isn’t directly in their name but the authorities will find in a few days.

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You can drive into Mexico w/o stopping. Maybe the have some kind of plate reader but I doubt it.

Two Trumpkin gringos in Mexico? How long is that gonna last?

This kid was doomed from the start with these dipshit parents


They would’ve been caught already if they weren’t white, the cops wouldn’t have just casually kept track of where their phones were located.

Faraday cage.


Any of you tech savvy wizards want to comment on the veracity of this:

Phones that are completely turned off still keep pinging cell towers which gives a general location.

I called my Credit Union to raise the limit too. ATMs are the only way to get cash from my account and you’re not getting poker cash $200 at a time. The problem is you also have to find an ATM owner willing to spit out that much. Only ATMs I know of that will do more than $500 are at casinos.

Easier to pull the battery.

They like Cancun. That’s the first place I’d look

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Idk but it seems wrong that GPS would be on while the phone is off. It uses a lot of power.

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That’s what I would have assumed as well.

I think I saw on some investigation. That the phone tries to ping towers every now and then, even when off

That requires power, right?

What if battery is completely drained? Would it still work then?

The Italian police unraveled a CIA plot to kidnap a suspected terrorist this way and indicted 20ish agents. I’m sure the DOJ thought the extradition request was funny.

No way. Not on most phones. A metallized plastic bag is probably good enough.

About 10% they suicided.

I read something that said there’s no indication he was bullied

Lol at the “don’t do it” text after he did it, I’m good with putting these people under the jail.


Does seem wacko. Maybe they’re headed for Florida hoping for sanctuary at Mar-a-Lago. Hoping to make a political statement with support from Q or whatever.


I’ll take the under.

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