Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

I think they’ll show up at court tomorrow with a stupid story. They’re just milking their last moments of freedom.

Seems like the much better play would have been to post bail, then bolt after having plenty of time to make a plan

I’d probably have to google how to MacGuyver one of these, but it seems like for under $20 on amazon, you can render yourself untrackable.

I read that both of them were busted for DUI in Jacksonville area about fifteen years ago.

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Aluminum foil.

Pretty sure your phones GPS doesn’t send any signal to a satellite. My understanding is that the satellites just broadcast a precise, synchronized time and their location, then your device calculates your location using several satellites to figure it out.


I didn’t know phones still send signals when off, that is kind of weird.

This is completely wrong. GPS is a passive technology, your phone picks up signals which are broadcast from satellites and crunches numbers to figure out your position. The phone never sends, only receives.

I have no idea if Airplane Mode is sufficient to prevent the phone sending signals. I wouldn’t be relying on it if I were on the run.

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I have no evidence but have heard plenty that you have to remove the battery otherwise it’s trackable.

I don’t know how it works, but I used to work for a law enforcement agency that tracked phones all the time. On, off, airplane mode, doesn’t matter. We found almost everyone that way. Just ditch your phone.

And yea just ditch the phone and buy a fucking burner, ez no?

Can you just wrap your phone in tinfoil or do you need something more fancy? Asking for a friend.

Lol at not already having a burner just in case stuff like this happens.

Yes, just wrap it tight to be safe. Don’t let the tin foil hat haters win.

The prosecutor said it’s illegal for kids to possess guns except in narrow circumstances like a range.

Not a lawyer but I think there’s like zero chance a gun store is ever liable for something like this.

Why the fuck would you need to bring your phone if you’re a fugitive on the run? Anyone you call would just make the likelihood of getting caught greater.

Are you just too addicted to emoji blitz or checking if anyone bumped the LC thread? You’d have mostly live off the grid anyways.


Not really my area but it can be more complicated because your phone might use a mobile connection in conjunction with the gps signal.

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Yes, but Congress passed a law giving gun stores partial immunity.

It’s called the PLCAA.

No, they don’t.

Not even a little bit true. 40 years ago every shooting of a few plus people was significantly covered.