Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

No. Stuff that is white noised now was absolutely widely covered back then because it was so uncommon.

You’re telling me this would have been national news:

Because it’s on zikzak’s wikipedia official list of school shootings.

Parents are at the local police bar with a bunch of cops who are swearing they’ll protect the Crumblers from this liberal infringement on their rights.

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Pre modern day school shootings, work place shootings were much more common. In the 1980s this was especially well publicized. It’s where “going postal” comes from. I have talked before about the shooting at my dad’s business in the early 80s where 5 people died. Office shootings, for some reason seemed to set the table for the modern school shooting.

I am curious on the status of 202x office shootings. Do they just not reach the level of exposure anymore because they are too small?

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Buy your fucked up teenager a gun. Smart.

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Looking through the top 25 list, I was familiar with all but one that happened since 1980. Could just be I was always more interested in such things, although a large percentage of them were wildly covered from memory. But these are just mass shootings. Not school shootings.

Also thinking work shootings got usurped by shooting random people at higher population density targets.

I don’t think that’s how the Creative Commons license works.


Don’t know. If it moves to gross negligence they should be charged.

Depends on your bank and type of account. I have had 10k ATM limits on business accounts in the past.

Good news is minors murdering people is no longer a crime, necessarily.

They left the high school, refusing a recommendation to take Ethan with them, according to McDonald. “He was returned to the classroom,” she said.

A longtime threat assessment expert I spoke with on Friday indicated that the scenario with the parents in Michigan appears to be highly unusual. The expert, who specializes in school security, said: “I’ve seen many uncooperative or belligerent parents over the years dealing with threat investigations, lots and lots of denial. It can understandably get emotional. But no, I cannot recall a case where there was this kind of enabling going on, from what this one looks like, at least at a distance. This looks next level.”

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I always thought the play in this situation would be to throw your phone into a train car, ship it Fedex dropbox, or attach it to a random vehicle at a truck / rest stop on the interstate. Like, even though you’re eventually going to get caught, it would be worth the laugh seeing on the news that the cops were tracking that phone for hundreds of miles in the wrong direction.

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White dudes are a menace

One thing I know is that the US Marshals definitely adopt cases when people aren’t on the run.


Sam Gerard would have these two in custody by tomorrow.


Interesting that they have been wanted since the 2nd.


Shouldn’t it say something about whether they should be considered armed and dangerous?


Is that guy’s head unusually flat on top?


This is why women won’t marry squirrely-looking guys. You create squirrely-looking kids who shoot up their school out of sexual frustration.