Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

I think there was an interview with Edward Snowden about how your phone spies on you.

I found this one which isn’t the one I was recalling so no review. Warning—Its from Joe Rogan.

Not going to watch 24 minutes of Rogan, but I am extremely skeptical of tracking phones which are POWERED OFF. Not airplane mode, not turning off cellular data and wifi, but powered off.

It’s just not how electronics works. Every transistor which is useful for tracking is downstream of the power button. Phone makers aren’t going to lose their battery life to support tracking with power off. Passive tracking doesn’t make sense. Maybe a government can sneak an extra chip into some batteries, but it’s not going to be the usual case – and they aren’t going to share with anybody.

Show me.


Are we sure that phones don’t ping out to cel towers occasionally when they’re powered off (but not completely dead battery)? I think I saw somewhere that’s how it works.

Could be 2k x 2 with both cards used.

Daily limit is set on individual cards, not the account itself. If you call customer service they may be able to raise the limit over the phone and, if nothing else, tell you what your limit is. Branch level face-to-face often has more broad override capabilities tho.

Just amazing to me that they’re on the lam. How do they think this ends? Real brain geniuses at work here.

Phone would have to not really be off. Which I mean there there probably are some functions still operating even when off, like a clock, but I can’t see this being anything but the bare minimum.

Found this, fwiw:

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Lame. Why they went to Detroit is something I want to know

Anyone here a criminal lawyer and have an opinion on whether the involuntary manslaughter charge is going to stick? Michigan doesn’t have a safe-storage law, so it’s not considered negligence to leave a gun lying around the house. On the one hand it seems tough to prove that they had knowledge that this is the sort of thing he might do, you can just argue that they’re thick and have a lot of evidence on your side there. OTOH there’s the googling for ammo, and the drawing the kid made of shooting someone. And most damningly, there’s the “Ethan don’t do it” text right after she hears about a school shooting in progress. That shows conclusively that her reaction to hearing about the shooting was that it was a near-total certainty that her son was responsible, which along with everything else is a pretty good argument that she should have known beforehand that this might happen.

Edit: There are also suggestions that some students were aware of a threat and stayed home, but I’m not sure if that’s confirmed.

Article says their car was spotted. Cell phone tracking seemingly not required to find these geniuses. I can hardly wait to hear their story.

IANAL but there seems to be no doubt that they will be tried on this charge. Whether it sticks is up to a jury. But this is not a case where the cops charge them with something only to see it turned into a lesser charge when it’s handed over to the DA. Of course there’s a chance for a plea bargain, but the DA seems bent on making an example of this couple, so that is not a certainty either. The simple fact that they urged the school to put their kid back in class, knowing he had just been given a gun days earlier, and not knowing if he had the gun in his possession is insanely negligent. If ever there was a case to be made against the parents of a school shooter, this one appears to be a slam dunk.



“We, as white Christian conservatives, are the REAL victims here.”


the thing you think is a power button on your phone is just a button, it isn’t a switch that physically breaks the circuit from the battery to the chips.

“Phone makers aren’t going to lose their battery life to support tracking with power off” - of course they are, because people want the features are enabled by the continuous low-level background activity more than they want the 0.01% more battery life for the 2 times a year they turn their phone off.

This isn’t a case where government is sneaking chips in. It’s just how things work, and people (e.g. you) are working with antiquated notions of what “off” means.


got em

I wonder how far back in these bozos social media feeds we’d have to go to find them tut tutting about PERSONAL RESOPNSIBILITY


Parents will be day 2 GOP convention speakers in ‘24


All I’m saying is that their kid never killed a bunch of other kids when Donnie Dumb Dumb was President. Their blood is on Joe Biden’s hands, IMO.


Yeah their kid got bullied cause he wanted to MAGA. So it’s the libs fault for being mean to him.