Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

This is false. Phones that are completely turned off do not keep pinging cell phone towers. Source: Myself, someone who has done 2703 orders to track phones.


You can get geolocation data live from a phone, however it is incredibly inaccurate (at least as of 5 years ago when I was still doing this type of work, maybe it’s better now). Cell tower locations are still your best bet, which narrows them down to like a half mile to 5 mile radius depending on how urban or rural the area is.

Edit: Also, yeah, it’s my understanding the gps is passive as well. You’re not getting information on the phone’s location from satellites. You’re getting information on the phone’s location from cell towers. The phone is constantly exchanging handshake data with cell towers which includes geolocation data (the purpose of which is to help the phone figure out which tower it shoudl be connected to, how to bill, etc.). I assume that geolocation data in some form is coming from the phone’s gps, but that’s beyond my expertise. You can get this handshake data via a court order, live, and with it you can get that geolocation data, but like i said, the geolocation data at least as of 5 years ago was really shitty. Like, I’d get data showing someone in the middle of a lake or a river shitty. The cell tower location and coverage radius was always the most valuable piece of information.

This is also why the phone needs to be powered on or you can’t find it. If it’s not powered on (or not connecting to a cell tower because it’s out of range, etc) then it’s not exchanging this data and there’s no way for you to get it.

Airplane mode is a special case because it’s not connected to cell towers but it might still be connected to wifi and there are other more advanced mechanisms to find someone that way (although I am not familiar with them).

I used to love doing this shit, it was just always such incredibly powerful evidence. Every homicide case I ever worked on I would always immediately do court orders to dump all the phone information to show who was where and when because later on at a jury trial it really helped. Many prosecutors didn’t do this and didn’t see the value in it (at least at the time), and I thought they were always nuts. I established some pretty good relationships with the people at Sprint as well (the preferred phone of murderers for some reason), so I got to have a lot of conversations with phone engineers explaining how this all worked.


They don’t.

If anything, responsible parents should be sending their kids to school with AR-15s to protect themselves from having CRT crammed down their throats.


Comments sections of various mainstream media sites, widely known to be havens for the dumbest of the dumb, contain tons of variations of exactly this.

Also legions of bootlicking “law and order” Trumpstains suddenly pearl-clutching over the most horrifying example of prosecutorial overreach since Rittenhouse.


Chiefsplanet has thoughts:

When the parents heard about the shooting, they looked for the gun, found it missing, and were such pieces of shit they called 911 to tell the authorities that it is possible their son might be the shooter.

I don’t know if the Crumbly’s are good parents or not. I know they will be demonized for political purposes regardless.

Oh good they got bail. After fleeing. Law!


Nice photo for their Christmas card this year

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Narrator: no parents were ever held responsible for their kid shooting up a school.

Holy shit, I had to google this because I almost didn’t believe you. Inexcusable, even at $500k.

DETROIT — James and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of the teen charged in the Oxford High School shooting, pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter charges on Saturday morning. Judge Julie Nicholson of Rochester Hills District Court set bond at $500,000 each.


Honed police intuition



Wow. I mean maybe if they got ankle bracelets and had to give up their guns I could see it as reasonable but still wow.

You’re gonna get white people who never thought about killing somebody becoming murderers given how easy these people have it.

Also, how could they hate life this much? They had a million dollars to put up bail. Guess they’ll be bounty hunters after them because I can’t see them showing up willingly after trying to flee at first.

There are several conditions including location monitoring and no guns if they are released on bond.



By about 1:45 a.m., the Crumbleys were under arrest. The couple was found hiding inside a commercial building and were “distressed,” Detroit Police Chief James White told reporters. They were unarmed, he added.

White said police believe someone had let the Crumbleys into the building. He said those who aided the couple could face criminal charges.

Just the dumbest imaginable Midwesterners involved with this story. How did you think helping out your idiot fugitive friends was going to turn out?

We are drawing live to having Dog the Bounty Hunter apprehend them after they skip bail.

Man, their friend could have snagged a cool $10k reward for turning these idiots in. Instead, this person is gonna get slapped with charges for aiding fugitives.


“You have to learn not to get caught.”