Trump-loving parents of school shooter flee: Captured

I had some guy ranting at the table about some sort of Biden child rape conspiracy theory. I shut him up by telling him the kid deserved it.

They’re following a script and they have no idea what to do when you don’t conform to it.



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you’d think in a state like texas they would love high oil and gas prices, but here we are

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Has the criminal record stuff been posted here? The parents have history of DUI, driving on a suspended licence and writing bad checks.

Edit: oh and living in Florida, which I don’t think is a crime but should be



But it’s actually mostly culture war type stuff, that’s what really gets them going

You guys gotta cite this stuff, c’mon.

Yes yes lol NY Post, too lazy to find another one.


How do they both get charged for DUI at once? That’s confusing to me. Wouldn’t admit which of them was driving?


Philly area. But I’m working not playing so unfortunately it’s in my best interest to keep quiet when these idiots rant. I played in MD/DC full time 2013-2018 and definitely never heard what I hear now.

Kid should have taken out his aggravation at home.


Sorry, but I don’t understand how the parents could hire an expensive law firm for themselves, but let their kid have a public defender. Don’t you have to show, or at least say that you are too poor to afford a private attorney in order to get a public defender? That’s going to be a hard argument to make now.

Meantime, I was feeling good about my ATM limit being raised from $500 to $1,000 not that long ago. I thought that might come in handy some day in Vegas. Are there really people who can take $4k out of an ATM? Honestly, I kinda like the $1k limit. Keeps me from doing something I might regret.

Seriously the parents behavior through this whole thing has me feeling kind of bad for a fucking school shooter. I’d be fine with sending the kid to a mental health facility and burying the parents under the prison.


I would love to know the fact pattern on this one.

The story I read just had them getting arrested on the same day, not necessarily in the same incident. I imagine them each being drunk as shit at different places, then driving somewhere to meet each other. On the way, each is separately arrested for DUI, leading to them ending up together after all - in the same jail cell. A modern-day O. Henry story.


That makes more sense.

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This is totally off topic, but reminds me of one of the funniest moments of middle school. There was an Asian kid in our grade whose American name was Henry. His english was not great and he was pretty quiet. We walked in to english class one day and the teacher had “O. Henry” written on the board. He asked if anybody was familiar with the name and this quiet kid with a heavy accent just blurts out “yea that what yo mamma was sayin last night!” Literally the only thing I remember from that class 20 years later.


Maybe it was one of those deals where one of them got busted for DUI and when the other one showed up to bail the first one out they were also drunk.

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Those are always the best stories.

I’ve been thinking the same thing. Sounds like he never had a chance.

It’s tough to reconcile this idea with the fact that he ended the lives of 4 kids tho. I think the best outcome here would be the parents of the deceased making a public showing of forgiveness for the kid and then speaking out about gun issues. Sweet summer thoughts I know.

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Detroit is on the Canadian border?? And you have to go south to get there?? How did I not know this? What other amazing Midwest USA facts have I been missing all this time?!?