These photos shoot themselves!
Actually for the rhino one, full credit goes to our driver who managed to drive through a full on downpour while still managing to spot wildlife off in the bush
These photos shoot themselves!
Actually for the rhino one, full credit goes to our driver who managed to drive through a full on downpour while still managing to spot wildlife off in the bush
What are your top 3 or 5 favorite places you’ve been?
What are your top 3 or 5 places you’ve never been, but want to?
I mean it kinda depends what I’m hoping to experience, I love basically 3 things, hiking, beach life+ scuba diving, and cool cultural experiences
So I’ll give the list for each criteria
For hiking, Peru, Nepal, and the US are the best, but I want to visit Pakistan, Tibet, and New Zealand
For scuba diving, my faves are Raja Ampat, Komodo islands, and around Sipadan, Malaysia. I want to visit Socorro Mexico, the Galapagos in Ecuador, and more of Raja Ampat lol.
For cultural experiences, my number one, my number one by far is Myanmar. And then India, and then western China. I’d still love to do Tibet, Ethiopia, Papua New Guinea, Bolivia
Forgot to ask: Why Myanmar, especially “by far”? Never been to Asia, so not judging. Just curious, because that would have not been on my radar when looking for a cool cultural experience.
Wellll at the time Myanmar was the most exotic feeling place I’d ever been, women wearing this strange facepaint, men wearing lungyi’s, roads filled with bicycles and push carts, the whole country was quite far behind technologically, so you’d walk around feeling like you were transported to another time, and if you were in the countryside, it might as well be a different century.
But I was also lucky to go shortly after the country had really opened up to tourism in 2012, which was just a neat time to be there. Locals were exceedingly friendly and curious, the few that could speak English would love to have a tea and a chat, people were optimistic about the direction the country was heading, high school aged kids would want to be your guides around the city, you got treated so undeservingly special. I was happy every day just waking up early with the sunrise and the monks, just walking around, taking some photos, having random experiences with people on the street, not really doing anything in particular. I just found the country particularly endearing!
Some various photos of the monks in Myanmar, who are just basically everywhere. I believe every man is expected to be a monk twice in his life, once as a novice and once as an ordained monk. And then there’s quite a few female monks around as well.
Mono Lake and the White Mountains from the top of June Mountain, CA. One of the clearest days I’ve ever experienced here, and no wind, either.
Fucking hell why won’t this post correctly
I’d like to make the theme of this week ‘Lakes’.
So if you’ve ever traveled to a place that also has a lake and you also have a photo of it, feel free to post it here!
Lake Karakul in Tajikistan
i live in MN we have a lot of lakes but most of them don’t look that cool. This was a nice fall day on Rainy Lake, fishing with my old man.
You have to edit it a bit to fix the orientation.
Struggling for pictures of lakes. Got lots of rivers and oceans, but not many lakes. I did come across this one, though, that is somewhat neater than it has any right to be. Just Lake Union in Seattle, but with lots of horizontal stripes of things:
Oh sure let me follow this with something i took on my iphone
Well let’s see it! This thread needs more participation so it’s not just me jerking myself off lol
Lake Ohrid, on the border between Macedonia and Albania. All of the water is filtered through a series of limestone caves, and enters the water through these wild, massive springs. Makes for one of the most pristine, clear lakes I’ve ever seen.
I just copied an image from googling “worst lake photos” and got likes.
Sucks that I got a photo of the worst lake, not the worst photo of a lake.