Travel Photo of the Day

Man, you take phenomenal color photos. They have great depth and really convey the scene well especially considering how busy so many of your shots are.


For a second I thought you were doing some type of plank move hanging by your throat and feet.

I kept looking for the diving board! Nice ups!

But yeah that looks like an awesome getaway. The shot of the penga getting rolled out into the ocean is veryyy nice.

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Two different entrances to the Badshahi mosque


Here’s a photo that someone else posted on the Pakistan Facebook group of the Husseini Bridge. I guess someone fell and died last week so it’s closed for now. Although it’s only like a 15 foot drop to the water, so I’m guessing he drowned in the river.


Was wondering how dangerous the water is, guessing it’s pretty cold?

Oh yea, freezing cold, it wouldn’t take long at all to be hypothermic. Plus most Pakistanis don’t know how to swim. Not a good combo.

This is my favorite shot from Nicaragua. A little kid peaking out from her hammock. I’d tried to get a candid photo of her as she was longing, but she spotted me and kept hiding in her hammock every time I raised my camera, so we ended up playing an improvised game of peek-a-boo. As I was about to move on I grabbed this quick shot and caught her peaking out at me.



That’s a great photo! The one thing I really like about travel photography is how much it reminds us of just little slices of the trip that might otherwise be forgotten years later.

While my photo isn’t as good as yours, I have a similar shot from Leon that you reminded me of

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Great photos. I get very self-conscious when I see photo opportunities of people during my travels, so rarely come home with any.

Lmao I was here today at 10am. Chihuly is a great place.

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Blue sky in Seattle? Gotta be 'shopped.


Don’t worry it’s horrible air conditions, haze from wildfires. All my Space Needle pictures look like ass

This was my view on Thursday, slightly different angle than VFS though.


I guess this was a bad week not to be in the Seattle area. I bailed out of my family trip to the Olympic peninsula this week because I got into a car accident the day before I was supposed to fly from Tampa and had no way to get to Tampa. Sigh.

I’m going to Olympic for a few days, then Mount Rainier. Sucks about the air quality over the next couple of days, but hoping it clears up next week. Funny there seems to be 4 of us with Seattle/Western Washington trips relatively close together.

we decided to wait to go to space needle until tomorrow, on account of the smoke haze

I heard it’s hazy tomorrow (but not as bad) fwiw

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Btw, how’s the St Aug poker room?