Trans Youth

Not seeing it. Links/screenshots?

Dude. Read the room. There’s a seperate thread for people tripping over themselves while “debating” trans sports.

This one here is about support.



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Walz has taken decisive action against attacks on transgender people in surrounding states, making Minnesota a refuge for those seeking care. In 2023, he signed an executive order protecting transgender people from out-of-state prosecution if they seek care within Minnesota’s borders. The executive order also issued a bulletin to health insurance companies, mandating coverage and initiating investigations into health insurance denials in the state.

In 2024, Walz signed a bill banning the gay and transgender panic defense. This defense is often used to help individuals avoid murder charges or receive lighter sentences by asserting that they were “deceived” by a romantic partner who was gay or transgender. According to one study, the transgender panic defense has been used at least 351 times.

Walz’s pro-LGBTQ+ record goes back much further than his time as governor. In 1999, he sponsored the first gay-straight alliance at his high school while working as a teacher. In Congress, he co-sponsored the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act and voted to repeal Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.

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And the loudest voices a week ago are gone. Its clear the attacks against her were Russian disinformation. All Im seeing out there is joy from Algeria for their champion. Good for her

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I really hope she lawyers up and sues everyone that falsely claimed she had transitioned. Should be easy to win lots of those cases (some obviously are more marginal where they just made vague accusations, but many were blatantly false),

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Yeah. The coverage was gross but the counter coverage was also pretty bad.


No. She’s not trans, so the attacks against her are not valid.

Rather than.

She’s not trans, but even if she were, fuck off weirdos.

Which I would have preferred.


I’m sitting at a poker table in Seattle, and a fat, 50-something white guy hears me say I’m living in DC, and asks, “Do you have the ‘they/them’ people there”?

“Yeah…like everywhere else.”

“We have them here as well.”

“I don’t really understand what you’re even asking me.”

[He looked around a bit and then went back to playing on his phone]

Was my response too passive or just right?


Good for me. Trans issues are a weird space. In my experience the person is either an ally or completely fucked up and not worth trying to have a real conversation. I’d only think about standing up to them more assertively if I knew someone around me was trans and needed to know there’s an ally nearby. Otherwise it’s going to start a pointless argument.

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Jo Jo has been completrly silent on twitter since the 7th. I wonder why…

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I’d believe in god if she came back with an apology and retraction, though I’d still hate her as soon as she found her next target.

Question for those who know more about trans culture and biology than me (which is everyone who posts here).

I’ve generally assumed gender and even sex are like race in that they are socially constructed and ultimately false categories. Like race, if you lined up everyone on earth in some ranking of any phenotypic or genotypic trait, there would be no way to draw a line between any sex or gender category. Is this correct?

Of course, even if true it doesn’t diminish anything about people’s gender experience but it further clarifies that the outrage over a persons movement on this continuum is bizarre.

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My understanding is that this is pretty much right. The most correct thinking on gender is that it exists on a continuum.

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Update - my son’s boyfriend is now his girlfriend.

How great is it for people to just be who they are as long as it isn’t harming anyone else? This whole story is the kind of thing that would absolutely make some peoples’ heads spin, but it’s just so simple. Let other people live their lives. Support them and wish them nothing but happiness. And in my experience not only does that improve the lives of the people who need the support, but also the supporters.


That’s wonderful news and you’re a good poppa :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::rainbow_flag:



You’ve got the general idea, but it’s not exactly that.

It is a continuum, but sexual traits tend to cluster around two peaks.

So some traits are more likely to be associated with one peak than another. I.e. if you are tall, you are more likely to have an XY chromosome and more likely to have higher levels of testosterone and more likely to be able to grow facial hair without taking hormones, but it’s all probability.

Racial traits I think are a lot flatter across the continuum, but may have multiple slight peaks. I.e. you can make weak predictions on someone’s traits if you knew they had a gene associated with being Chinese, or Scandinavian, but that predictive power would be weaker.