Trans Youth

So are any of these fools suggesting that we need to test every single woman, to make sure there is no Y chromosome?

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The problem is you have to dig a bit just to find these clear-cut facts. The first exposure I had to this story was a (I’m sure intentionally) much more murky article about how she was XY, had previously been banned (strongly suggesting it was for high T levels) but was cleared for the Olympics for whatever reason, and was unsurprisingly beating the absolute hell out of her opponents.

Even my initial reaction was “huh, yeah that seems like it could be a problem, she probably shouldn’t be competing” but I actually did look further and get the more accurate/full story. How many casuals are gonna go beyond what they first hear about it, which will very likely be similar to what I first saw?

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No of course not, just those who really really look like men

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Yeah I was gonna say that the bigots only care about the female athletes that they personally find fuckable.

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I had to step out of the room yesterday when we went to therapy and two guys in the lobby were discussing the fighter. One said no, she is a man and still has a penis. A lot of people at this place know I am trans and sometimes I wear a support trans people T-shirt. I didn’t take it personally, but I felt scared that it could turn personal if I didn’t remove myself. The facts don’t really matter to some people, they want an easy fist pump to chivalry by saying men shouldn’t be allowed to fight women.


I think you can pretty easily come to the conclusion that mtf trans people shouldn’t be allowed in women’s sports without being “anti-trans”.

The “mens” division doesn’t need to exist… it should just be open to anyone. The women’s divisions exist to accommodate those with the (athletic) disadvantage of being born female.

The fact that there exists some tiny minority of intersex people and whatnot doesn’t change this.

Says you. Agree to disagree.

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if you have outdated, bigoted views.

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Meh, this is not convincing.

Trying to convince people with outdated, bigoted views to let them go is almost always a fool’s errand.

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also i meant to ask a while ago but forgot, do you live in a state with conceal carry? and do you?

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I live in Nevada. I don’t carry. Guns and violence scare me. I suspect me being sort of obviously asexual has something to do with people not feeling threatened by me also being trans.

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people thinking logically aren’t the ones i’d be worried about :unamused:

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I think it’s the feels actually that get me out of jail. No one feels like I’m coming on to them or would be receptive if they tried, which plays into bigots who really are fine as long as they don’t feel threatened.

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Get fucked Joanne. Madness that she is doubling down.

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I hope she does it. I think she can make the case that she was not a public figure before all of this happened and thus if Joanne cant prove her remarks they are tatamount to libel.

Would love to see some actual consequences

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Comments seem to indicate its a fake Imane account.

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