Trans Youth

The fascists running Westminster must have missed that memo. Fucking ghouls.

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My trans son now has a boyfriend who performs drag, and they’re talking about being a drag duo.

So if you’re keeping score I now/will have a gay trans drag queen child, and am also Jewish and work in media. I am the final woke boss.

Oh, and he’s considering “Dee Transition” for his drag name.


Not sure if this pushes the boundaries of what’s OK to post, but I have been involved in putting together a PSA for election season on the subject of supporting trans youth. Not asking people to donate (although of course that’s an option!) but if you like what you’ll see maybe you’ll share on your socials. In case it needs to be said I do not benefit financially from this in any way:


The right’s plans to weaponize the overruling of Chevron have begun, and gee, look who the first targets are

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The producers of a buzzy Edinburgh Festival play about J.K. Rowling’s trans views are preparing for protests ahead of the show opening next month.

Penned by Joshua Kaplan, a Hollywood writer whose credits include HBO’s Tokyo Vice, TERF imagines a confrontation between Rowling and the stars of Harry Potter over her views on transgender rights.

The production is topical given Rowling’s near-daily pronouncements and hardened rhetoric on how trans rights have come into conflict with women’s rights. Her posts on X (once Twitter) have put her further at odds with Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, and Rupert Grint in recent months, and Kaplan sees TERF as a “family conversation” between loved ones with differing views.

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Unfortunately, that reality just makes deplorables salivate over the opportunity to inflict misery on a perceived lesser.

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Is Lo Dodds like an alternate universe Lou Dobbs?

That’s an I.

Io Dodds.

So yes.

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Is she proven XY? From what I’ve read (which is not a lot) I can’t tell if that’s a fact or something someone made up.

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I’ve read a lot and seems confirmed to me.

Edit: @Melkerson I’m reading recent discussion and actually not sure anymore. Maybe I should delete the post :confused:

Here’s a long post from Reddit:

The short(ish) version is that she’s a cis woman who been competing for years against other women, and there was no issue, including at the 2020 Olympics. Never any question of her gender or testosterone levels, no articles, no headlines, no commentary from her opponents, nothing. She doesn’t even have a particularly stellar record, though she’s been improving in recent years.

She was even tested at the 2022 World Championships and they didn’t find any problems. She took the silver medal without incident. Up until the 2023 World Championships - when she beat a Russian boxer.

Quick backstory on the IBA, the boxing organization that tested her and oversees the Boxing World Championships: it’s been in contention with the IOC for years for issues of corruption and concerns over refereeing and judging, but things have gotten worse over the past few years. The IOC was concerned about the IBA’s complete financial dependence on their sponsor: Russian-owned Gazprom. The IBA also elected a corrupt Russian president in 2020, and in 2022 they (wrongly) declared his re-election opponent ineligible, so he won an uncontested re-election. Multiple countries including the US and UK boycotted the 2023 World Championships because the IBA suspended Ukraine and un-suspended Russia and Belarus in 2022, against IOC guidelines. All of this ultimately resulted in the IOC severing ties with the IBA, which hasn’t happened with any sport in decades. They fucked up so bad that the IOC may drop boxing altogether; another organization has risen up and is attempting to replace the IBA in order to save boxing at the Olympics.

Anyway. Imane Khelif competes in the World Championships in 2022, undergoes testing, no eligibility issues, takes the silver medal. She competes in 2023, no eligibility issues. Gets to the Round of 16, beats a Russian boxer…suddenly, she gets tested again and based on the results of that test AND her test from 2022, they declared her ineligible.

The IBA never said what kind of test it was, just that it wasn’t a testosterone test, nor did they explain the results, citing privacy. In an interview with Russian state-owned media, the Russian president of the IBA said that they did a DNA test and found that Khelif had XY chromosomes, but again…look at the source, the audience, the track record of corruption, the timing…

Plus, they did this test in 2022 and didn’t have any issue with the results? They used the 2022 test as part of their basis for disqualifying her - even though they allowed her to compete in 2023, up until she beat a Russian athlete. So there’s no evidence that she has higher testosterone. She competed in the 2020 Olympics without incident, even when other female athletes with high testosterone were withdrawn. And the IBA didn’t administer a testosterone test.

There’s also no other information, testing, questions, or anything that she has talked about that would allude to any sort of chromosomal or hormonal difference. She identifies as a woman and always has. People are diagnosing her with all kinds of conditions but there’s actually no evidence for any of it aside from one vague test that an extremely corrupt organization associated with Russia subjected her to when she beat a Russian athlete, the results of which were only discussed by the Russian president of the corrupt organization when he talked to Russian media.


It’s so hard to engage with any of this because it’s always entirely a smokescreen for stirring up transphobia. This is a perfect case that proves that even when the facts are 100% clear-cut, it just doesn’t matter.


This whole thing is infuriating because it should be a massive self-own (“oh, youre saying that gender is a complicated spectrum… correct!”) but instead will just be used to terrorize the vulnerable for as long as possible before the hate-mongers move onto something else. No self-reflection or correction when proven wrong, just an endless cycle of new conspiracies like a dumbass shark biting its own tail and rotating in a new set of teeth instead of learning from the public self-own.