Trans Youth

Ya that’s exactly how I would imagine the scatter plot. Something like a dumbbell shape. Race is for sure a much more standard saucer plot.

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It’s also different because they (sex, that is) can be classified based on the chromosomes in >99% of cases?

Intersex people are closer to 1.7% of the population meaning chromosomes may not be a reliable indicator of thier sex.

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I was surprised/happy when I discovered being intersex is as common as having red hair (1-2%). I try to remember this with trans and intersex people that just because I don’t know someone is trans or intersex doesn’t mean there isn’t a trans or intersex person in the same room as me.


1.7% seems to include a lot of stuff that would not actually cause looking at the chromosomes to be wrong, and another source cited in this Wikipedia article states 0.018%.

There is conflicting data on the commonality for sure mostly I assume because there just is so little good research.

In any case, it seem fair to suggest that a plot of even sex based on chromosomes would be dumbbell-like even if the “bar”’of the dumbbell is thin representing only ~1% of people. That would still be like 82 million people!

For sure. The trans person I know best is a trans man and I would bet a lot of money if 100 random people were asked his birth gender more than 95 would assume he was a cis gendered man.

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Again, the Wikipedia puts the number of births with ambiguous genitalia at 0.02-0.05%. That is much closer to zero than it is to 1%.

Intersex is more than ambiguous genitalia as I understand.


It makes no sense why people care so much. I have to believe they are struggling with their own identities but not sure why others living their truth offend them so much.

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A great place to start for anyone curious about intersex people is the documentary Every Body.

As well as my interview with the director :upside_down_face:


If there’s one thing that everyone fucking loves the shit out of it’s wondering what’s cooking in other people’s pants. And among weirdos it’s like, their most favorite thing.


It’s more that that.

Because you are still looking at sex as if it’s something that can be defined and is binery and that chromosomes can “reveal”

Chromosomes are a strong prediction of being in the cluster of traits we talked about. But it’s isn’t deterministic on predicting any of them.


For example. When you say something is “wrong” what do you mean exactly?

Pull on that thread and try and define your terms about what sex is or isn’t, or what it means to be male or female.


Interesting Reddit AMA: Ask me your invasive trans questions to spare the trans people in your life AMA


Wow I didn’t even know this existed and I loved rbg. I’ll be checking this out this week.


The same working definitions that are useful in ~99.95% of cases as established. XY, penis, male. XX, vagina, female.

To be clear talking about sex not gender.

Whatever stat you want to use you are still talking about millions of people who don’t fit the binary.

What is your point? Some people are born with one arm or zero arms. Do you take issue with statements like “humans have two arms”?

Yes if you then attach a mountain of social stigma to having one arm, create a political party that represents half the US population whose sole identify is that people with one arm are liars, evil and trying to fuck their kids, then pass laws removing the rights of one armed people and giving two armed people the right to harm or even kill one armed people all because “ humans have two arms”.