TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

You hate to see it

Is there any universe where Top Shot doesnā€™t purposely delay pack drops to build artificial anticipation/demand? It feels too much like a social media influencer operation tbh.

Bah idk, heā€™s getting a 10k all star moment so I could see it settling around $500 or $600 or maybe not?. Very tempting someone talk me into it

Got my fastest time ever of 37s and it was on a TJ McConnell. I am so good at this.


My wish for the day is someone panics and lists a luka at like 4500 and I miraculously beat the bots

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LeBron 7500 tanking a bit. 3 digit for min plz

Do we have any idea when the packs we bought last weekend will be distributed?

'bout tree-fiddy

See? It applies perfectly to every situation.

they said they would send out emails on March 6th or around then that would let us know when delivery would happen

This is a technical aspect I donā€™t understand. I thought one of the major selling points of blockchain was transparency that included the ability to traverse all transactions back to its inception. It sounds like youā€™re saying maybe thatā€™s possible in theory but their hardware is the limiting factor?

Edit: If Iā€™m remembering Eric Renā€™s blog post correctly, he even mentions that it will buckle if you attempt to go back too far, so itā€™s not an unforeseen limitation.

So the dream pull from this pack is probably a Luka and a rookie (maybe Quickley?) from the common pool

Weā€™re getting rising stars packs on Sunday so probably mid next week at earliest

Hype for todayā€™s packs? How hard will they be to get? My plan is to spend $14 and cash out for 5 figures by the end of the day.


With 180k, Iā€™d say odds of pack are at least 50/50. Hopefully better.

The odds of everything in life is 50/50.


cash out lol


Wow, apparently today is the 7th year anniversary of the first date I had with my GF. I can think of no better way than us to celebrate it together by getting double pax.


When you express your excitement to her, leave out the ā€œapparently.ā€ ;)


Canā€™t believe I havenā€™t had my wife sign up yet, definite leak on my part.


Iā€™m moving to Utah so I can get lots of my wives to sign up.