TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Btw how in the world have rare Pepe’s not come back as a thing in the NFT world? That is literally the joke they were created for. People were ironically hoarding jpegs long before the Blockchain business.

Is Topshot still in beta?

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Pretty sure it has almost nothing to do with being good at art.

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Then he just needs to pick a platform and read the tutorials. It’s honestly pretty simple. I created an NFT six months ago and took about 10 minutes to set it up aside from the art. The biggest part is probably choosing a decent platform? If he’s a real artist that is even somewhat known he should have no trouble getting whitelisted somewhere.

On a related note, I just bought a workstation to offload my renders to so my NFT game might be getting back on track here soon.


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fuck nfts imo


I was watching some random Youtube earlier where dude was talking about devoting 16-20 hours of his day for about two years to publishing some comic strip book. He launched the book and it sold a grand total of three copies leading to some serious depression. Made me think of NFTs.

Common mistake not to realize he had to spend at least as much time marketing it online than he did on the actual product to actually sell it.

I don’t think it would have mattered how much marketing he did. Quitting your life to write an illustrated book under the illusion it will be a significant money maker is such a weird thought pattern for a person with no history of doing such a thing. Can sub out illustrated book for lots of things including NFTs where there’s a ton of chance and tastemaking involved.



NFL Head Shot?

BETA nfl head shot


definitely in for top ref throwing flag moments

also based on topshots history next is lingerie football league moments

For as much shit as we (and I) have given TopShot and Dapper, I think they are right now clearly the leader in this industry. Unlike the other exchanges they (1) actually stop bots; (2) don’t just lol at their users when they get scammed, (3) have by far the best queue system for drops, and (4) have reasonable fees.

MP also seems reasonably stable now, but of course who knows if it can scale.

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I disagree, but it’s obv all relative



This is more a reflection of how bad everyone else operating in this space is, as opposed to dapper actually being any good at this.