TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

even Jeeter’s getting laddered down atm


Strongly worded letters to the rescue again!

This one is pretty sick:

CANCEL CULTURE! (that was an actual tweet by strassa who used to be a 2p2 celeb)


net +!

Oh lmao just realized that’s strassa2, the same guy who was soliciting people to do free web development for his hedge fund in exchange for a chance to come in for a day and see how the pros do it.

and person I like = person who makes me money

It’s a good thing this didn’t happen on WAX because they cAn’T dO aNyThInG about people scamming their customers.

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Why shouldn’t angleshooters/criminals/cheaters/thieves be allowed to freeroll?

ffs man

also it’s closer to 20 eth, not that it matters for the argument

they’re cancel culturing thieves now what’s next, putting them in prison?

I like Jason (and play cards with him semi-regularly) but he’s laughably out of touch on this one. He backtracked a little after getting piled on. This behavior is probably a little more standard in his current line of work.

I mean haven’t you guys seen Billions

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we shouldn’t take action because he could have or create another account is unreal logic

also what an asshole, you should tell atomic hub, not we can’t do that but we’ll get in touch with atomic hub that’s a good idea

Not positive but I’m pretty sure you could tail trade offers by a few seconds and just spam the shit out of them. So your bot sits on blockchain watching for wax-backed assets for high-value items. As soon as you see one, your bot buys a copy of the worthless asset and offers it as the same trade but with no (or heavily reduced) wax backing. It probably takes 2-3 seconds tops, and would almost certainly happen before a human negotiating a trade opens the trade window to look for active offers.

Think about it this way: if I negotiate a private trade through PMs on here with you and tell you I’m sending a worthless Alien Worlds common backed with $XXXX wax, it’s going to be a little confusing when you check your offers after that “verbal” agreement and the offer appearing at the top is an Alien Worlds common because the expectation is that no one else knows about this private trade. They’re saying it’s official and good policy to allow botnets sniffing the chain to replace legitimate offers with fake ones in hopes that you fuck up and click the wrong one. So basically a scammer’s freeroll that should entice lots of scammers to take a shot at this always on all trades. Imagine if every legitimate trade offer you receive is succeeded by 2 or 20 or 200 or 2,000 fake bot offers. Now you have to carefully cancel all of those or at least not click accept while hunting for the real one. That’s GOOD policy according to these simplistic motherfuckers.


Also that cheeky response on the TOS covering the ***cloud wallet*** and not the blockchain is the weirdest gotcha I’ve seen in a while. “You THOUGHT you were protected but actually it only covers the wallet. Hahaha pwned!!” -WAX PR Team

Honestly this underlying attitude has become pervasive across the entire tech landscape. Every day, bad actors are scamming and extorting and downright shutting businesses down, and the collective response is to just shrug and say, “well, you got us good this time. I tip my cap to you, it’s my fault really, fair play good sir”.



Strassa was one of the better posters on 2p2 when i started circa 2005-2007.

I guess he got too rich