TopShot and other NFTs Part II: Electric Boondoggle

Alex Wice minting 10k NFTs for 1.69 sol each (currently $3M) that are just different forms of the two letters gm (CT slang for good morning). No discord yet, apparently the website is laggy…you need one of two specific wallets sollet or phantom in order to get one. He was streaming on twitch and the entire stream chat was just people calling him a scammer and asking for refunds.


I came here to post exactly this. I guess he lost a lot and is trying to grift it back.

Probably starting with a Trump double down?

alex wice never loses what is this blasphemy a t worst he only loses at first hten makes it all up immediately


Would be more surprised if Wice didn’t owe millions than if he was liquid.

Why? he might be a pump n dump scammer, but why wouldn’t he be rich of it? he got the platform to do so.

Everyone I’ve ever known gambling that has to start scamming people isn’t doing so because they still have the hundreds of thousands or millions they used to. They’re always in a bad place financially.

He claimed to have bet huge on Trump in 2020. I know he claimed to have quickly switched on election night to Biden, but more likely he just lost tons and wanted to keep his rep as being the smartest man in the room. Assuming he did lost big, very possible he has not yet paid off those debts and this is his attempt to do so.

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i get the wishful thinking here, but i think some of the trading volume he has is public and while I know nothing about crypto, the more likely scenario is that he’s very very rich and yet very very greedy.

also he appears narcissistic enough to convince himself that his own minted nfs are worth it simply because they are his.

I’m quite confident he is not very, very rich.

Nothing against the guy, but its very obvious behavior. I used to have a friend that won way more in poker than Wice, had more in crypto than he did, and was exhibiting similar behavior. Turns out he was making bad bets for every good one posted and owes millions.

I would take the over on whatever you think his current net worth is. But just a guess, obviously

Some fine art portraits of baseball players dropped on WAX today at a price of $100 per pack. Each pack contained one NFT by the artist described in the following sentence, which is one of the more bizarre things you’ll read:

Artist William Quigley (not to be confused with WAX’s CEO and co-founder, William E. Quigley), born in Philadelphia in 1961, is famed for his unique ability to bring historic figures to life.

The first drop by this group in June featured a few Babe Ruth NFTs and sold out nearly instantly. Today’s drop contained Ted Williams and Derek Jeter but did not go nearly as well. AORN there are still 343/1314 packs remaining at $100 + processing fee + tax (~$110), but those packs can currently be purchased for approximately $60 on Atomic Hub’s marketplace. Pack opening began at 4 PM EST but was quickly halted when someone noticed the following:


Ripping will resume at 4 PM EST tomorrow.


The floor price on a Derek Jeeter common is now $200 and rising. Meanwhile these unopened pax I have are plummeting and drawing to a $20 Derek Jeter common. :frowning_face_with_open_mouth:

the dumbest timeline continues


I bought one of the Jeeters before they fixed it, so this has to mean I can have the rest of you pick out what my color of lambo should be right. (at least 6 months ago this would’ve happened, sigh)

also you can rip now, they announced tomorrow but ya know it’s wax whatever.

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I think it’s absolute bullshit that they fixed it. They wouldn’t have done this if it was some made up space fantasy IP and in the process it killed all of the hype. Nobody wants a Jeter now, everyone wants a Jeeter so pax are dead. If word got out that there was a limited time to come in and rip Jeeter pax this would have blown through the roof.

Somebody paid $827 for this rare Jeeter.

eh based on sales I don’t think anyone wants any of these. If they let the Jeeters go, it would’ve all died.

that one is 1/4?

Who in their right mind wouldn’t want a Derek Jeeter? I seriously think if they decided to leave it as is and just offer crafting of your Jeeter to a Jeter this thing would have exploded due to FOMO. Instead there was like a 15-minute window of FOMO.
